Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, Feb. 19

Up around 7:30 this morning, and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day, and relaxed with her puzzle books.

I ran errands (on my own today, since Hubbie was working in the yard)...first to a pharmacy to look for a face powder compact for Mother. The WDCS didn't have what she wanted when we checked there a couple of days ago. Fortunately, the pharmacy did have the color she wanted. I picked up a few other items while I was there, and used an AARP $3 coupon. By having the pharmacy clerk swipe our AARP card each time we visit, coupons frequently print out that are useful to us. This one was for $3 off my total purchase. Others have been good for discounts on specific products.

From there, I went to one of the stores that has a sale every weekend, where I browsed for quite a while looking for something I could use that would not exceed a $10 coupon I got in the mail a few days ago. Finally, buried under a stack of sweaters, I found a pretty cable knit hooded brown one that zips up the front. With coupon, I got it for 87 cents.

Back home around noon, I found that Hubbie had heated Ramen noodle soup for Mother, and leftover bagel pizzas for us for lunch. He went back outdoors afterward, and I booted my laptop so Mother could read e-mails and blog posts, and visit my social network page.

Later, Hubbie picked up a rotisserie chicken at the WDCS, which we had with baked sweet potatoes and a choice of butter beans or Lima beans for supper.

Then we got into our semi-dressy duds to go to a town about 30 minutes away to attend a professional performance of "S'Wonderful, the new Gershwin Musical," at a college fine arts theater. It was a singing and dancing revue of five mini-musicals inspired by real events in and around the lives of the Gershwin brothers in 1920s New York City, 1930's Paris, 1940s Hollywood, and 1950s New Orleans.

When I'd reserved seats for the show, I asked for aisle ones, and I got them, but they were directly behind the wheelchair section, and once a couple of folks in wheelchairs were in those spaces, Mother couldn't see the stage. So just before the show began, and we were sure no one else would be seated in our row, we moved down several seats to where Mother had a clear view. The row we were seated in had a wide aisle space between it and the row in front, so Mother didn't feel claustrophobic.

Six young professional entertainers did a great job with the musical revue that included popular Gershwin tunes like "I Got Rhythm," "They Can't Take That Away From Me," "Someone to Watch Over Me," and "Nice Work if You Can Get it."

Five of the group energetically sang and danced, while one played piano accompaniment. None of the performers have an ounce of extra flesh on them, and no wonder, since they were constantly moving and dancing.

The costumes were simple...women in various styles of short black dresses, and men in white or black shirts and black slacks. Other costume pieces were added over the basic ones...hats, vests, a tutu, and for one number, wedding dresses. Costume additions occurred onstage.

The set was simple...a large screen on which slides were projected. This was overlaid with a cathedral window stained glass leading pattern.

The show ended around 9 p.m., and we were home around 9:30. Even though the hour was a bit late, we decided to watch our favorite college basketball team as they played to a loss, after staying tied with the opponent for most of the game. I'd recorded the game on DVR while we were gone.