Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, Feb. 17

Up around 8 a.m. on this overcast and windy day, and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Once I was ready for the day, I spent the rest of the morning doing this and that around the house.

The morning mail brought a surprise...Hubbie had been looking for a jewelry travel bag for me, and his sister who lives in a town about an hour east of us found one, which arrived this morning. It's black with a floral lining and has many plastic pockets for storing earrings, necklaces, pendants, etc. The biggest surprise about it is that it's a Vera Bradley brand. A change purse of the same brand arrived with the zippered bag (which the Vera Bradley company calls a "jewelry book").

As testament to how brand-conscious I am, I didn't even notice the designer name on the bag...Mother was the one who spotted it. I was more interested in the layout of the bag and how many handy pockets it has.

After lunch, Mother and I went to the Extension Services office to meet with the other scrapbook club members for a 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. session. A couple of us brought punches and rubber stamps to share. I used one member's punch to make lacy borders on several cards, which will be appropriate when we make Easter cards for Caring Hands Hospice.

Back home, Mother went to her house, and I began getting stuff together for a pizza supper. I made the pizzas using thin bagels. We had baked potatoes and cottage cheese with the pizzas.

Later, around 6:30, we went downtown to the dance studio, where we joined the current adult ballroom class in dancing until 8:30. The dance follows the ballroom class, as a way to help the students practice their skills.

For $3 a person, or $5 a couple, though, anyone can join in. It has been a long time since we've used what we learned when we took ballroom lessons, so we needed a refresher course. Fortunately, the first half hour of the dances are devoted to helping attendees brush up.

It was a fun night and good workout. These dance parties are held once a month, we learned tonight, but this is only the third one since and illness cancelled a couple of them. The next one is scheduled for March 17, St. Patrick's Day.

We were back home around 9 p.m. Watched TV for a while before hitting the sack.