Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, Feb. 16

Up around 8 a.m. on this pleasant day, and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. Once I was ready for the day, I scanned a photo of Hubbie and myself on the day of our wedding thirty years ago, and posted it to my social network page.

Mother came over mid-morning, and around 11 a.m., we watched the first half of the Westminster Dog Show, which I'd recorded on DVR. We continued watching the show as we ate lunch.

The show ended around 1:30 p.m., and shortly afterward, Mother and I went to a friend's house to visit and pick up fabrics and crafts supplies that she had cleared out of her closet. I'll donate most of the fabric to our local community theater. Some of the craft supplies are suitable to use in making greeting cards.

We spent about two hours with our friend, who served us muffins, brownies, and cups of coffee. We learned that she will soon be trying to sell her home, so she can move to another town about an hour and a half away, where her daughter's family, including her only grandchild, a four-year-old boy, live. In her late 70s, this lady, who despaired of ever having a grandchild, is over the moon about that boy.

We'll certainly miss this friend, but we understand why, as a widow, she'd want to move closer to family. Our friend moving away will mean that we'll probably see less of our other friend, who lives about an hour east of us. Whenever she came to our town, she stayed a few days at a time at our widow friend's house, and we'd all get together for visits.

We can probably arrange to see our friend who lives east of us when we go to that town to see Hubbie's relatives, but I don't know when we'd ever get to see our widow friend again.

We got back home around 4 p.m., and around 4:45, I went downtown to the art gallery for a visual arts committee meeting. The meeting ended around 6 p.m. On the way home, a deer on the side of the road hesitated before turning and running up the hill. I'm so glad it didn't choose to run out in front of the van.

At home, Mother had heated leftovers for our supper. She went home afterward, and Hubbie and I listened to the radio as our favorite college basketball team played to a big win. I like it when our team wins, but this was a no-contest game, as our team steamrolled the opposition.