Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday, May 16

Another very cool day. The TV weatherman actually alluded to "wind chill factor," which usually is part of the forecast only in winter months. It has definitely been sweater weather today.

We slept late this morning, until nearly 8 a.m., and then I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day.

I didn't have a lot planned for the rest of the morning, though I did call the scrapbook club members to remind them of our Thursday meeting I couldn't reach one of them, and the other one said that she'd been to the doctor this morning, because she'd had a woozy spell that left her weak. However, the doctor couldn't find a cause for it. She said that as long as she feels well Thursday, she'll attend the meeting (she'll probably drive to our house and ride with us, as usual).

I wasn't very hungry at lunchtime, so I just ate a couple of slices of the yeast bread I bought at the yard and bake sale Saturday. After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands...first to the WDCS, where we shopped for both Mother and ourselves. Mother had quite a list, so most of the shopping was for her.

From there, we went to a pharmacy store, where we picked up four cans of on-sale decaf coffee in my favorite brand. The limit was two cans per customer, so Hubbie bought two and I bought two...the only four left on the shelf. These kinds of loss leaders disappear quickly, so we try to get to the store as soon after we see an ad as possible when there are items we want.

Then we went to a grocery store to get no-boil lasagna noodles (the WDCS doesn't carry them. Neither does it carry the decaf coffee I like). We went to yet another grocery store for my favorite brand of cottage cheese (the only store that carries it). In our little town, it seems that all grocery stores can't carry all brands. But since the stores aren't very far apart, it's no trouble to go from one to another.

Back home, I spent time going over materials for tutoring my Literacy Council student. At 3:30, I went to the library at the college down the road to meet my student for the first time. I arrived early enough to talk with a librarian about reserving a study room each Monday afternoon.

I got a little nervous when my student didn't arrive by 4 p.m., but I got a cell phone call from her husband, advising me that the student's watch had stopped, and she didn't realize how late it was. She'd be there in fifteen or twenty minutes.

By the time she arrived, we didn't have very long to spend together, because I wanted her to attend a "Talk Time" session at 5 p.m. So we spent a few minutes getting acquainted, and setting a tentative time to meet each Monday. I'm aiming for 2:30 to 4:30. The student said she'd like to get her husband's approval for this time before committing to it.

We had about fifteen minutes to devote to a lesson. First, I checked to see if she knew colors, calendar months and dates, body parts, clothing items, and countries of the world. She is well-versed in these, except for pronouncing the numbers three, thirteen, thirty, and thirty-one correctly. She also has trouble with the "sh" sound.

We briefly practiced a conversation between a store clerk and a customer, and read a simple story. The purpose was to introduce the student to answering questions, like "who is this girl?" and "how much is the ring?"

This lady is a very pleasant person, who is determined to learn English quickly. So she is immersing herself in every available class. She's taking a beginning English class at the college, as well as an additional session at a local church, besides the "Talk Time" sessions each Monday night, and our upcoming Monday afternoon meeting.

She's an attractive woman, in her fifties. She's about my height or a little shorter, and about my size or a little heavier. As it turns out, I know her in-laws, though she has only been in the country a few months.

Back home, Mother had heated the leftovers from yesterday's meal for supper. I was plenty hungry, after having only a light lunch. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I watched TV, including a Lifetime Movie Network feature called, "The Obsession." A woman falls for her daughter's handsome ballet instructor, but the instructor is infatuated with the daughter. He's not above murdering those blocking his path to the girl.

After that we watched an episode of "Dancing with the Stars."