Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 17

Today is my brother's birthday. Happy Birthday, brother!

Got up late this morning, around 8 a.m., and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. Mother came over mid-morning, and after I was ready for the day, we located scrapbook materials that we want to work on at the Thursday meeting.

Then Mother worked on a jigsaw puzzle, while I went to my office computer to type and print journal paragraphs for scrapbook pages.

After lunch, I went back to my office to upload photos to a one-hour service. I'd fallen behind in getting prints of my snapshots, so it took a while to upload all of them.

While I was doing that, Mother put together a meatless lasagna for supper, and then went back to her jigsaw puzzle. Hubbie did various tasks outdoors.

Later, Hubbie gathered lettuce and green onions from the garden, which we prepared, along with the hydroponic lettuce I bought last Friday, and other veggies, like tomatoes, bell peppers, and carrots, for a salad to go with the lasagna. Cottage cheese, and the remainder of the loaf of yeast bread, made for a very satisfying supper.

Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I watched a 2008 Lifetime Movie Network movie, "Murder on Her Mind," starring Annabeth Gish. Based on a true story, Gish plays a woman who sits on the jury of a woman about her own age who is accused of murder. She believes the prosecution hasn't proven its case, but on the last day of the trial, she is five minutes late for court and is excused from jury duty. The accused is found guilty and goes to prison.

Twenty years later, the juror finds the notebook she kept while on the jury, and searches for, and finds the accused in prison. She visits the prison in hopes of making up for not being on the jury at the end of the trial, when she thinks she might have made a difference.

After that, we watched the elimination round of "Dancing with the Stars." We were correct in our guess as to who would be eliminated this week.