Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday, June 22

Up around 7 a.m., but skipped my exercises so that I could get ready to meet my cardiologist appointment at 9:30. I arrived at the clinic by 9:15...a good thing, since the receptionist needed all my personal info again to enter in their new computer system. The system has eliminated paper files.

I didn't have to wait long before I was called back. A tech started by doing an ultrasound of my heart, before she ushered me to an exam room. There, a nurse recorded a list of my medications and vitamin supplements, and took my blood pressure...which, she said, couldn't be better.

The doctor then arrived to question me about my I experiencing any pain, have I had any swelling or pain in my legs, etc., the answer to which is "no." She asked about my exercise regimen, and wanted to know if I'd like to do a treadmill stress test today. I did not, because it takes a while to do that, and I had an engagement this afternoon. I also wasn't wearing proper walking shoes. So we scheduled it for December, in conjunction with my six-month appointment.

Although I have never experienced chest pains since the first day I went to the emergency room three years ago, the doctor still wants me to carry nitroglycerin tablets with me. The ones I had on hand, though, had expired, so she ordered a new prescription.

I got back home about 11 a.m., and shortly thereafter, my niece from New York called so I could talk with my brother, who was home from the hospital today after having a stent placed in an artery following a mild heart attack.

We all had something different for lunch...Hubbie, leftover picnic food from his birthday; Mother, her usual Ramen noodle soup, with a blueberry muffin; and I, just a blueberry muffin, a glass of milk, and cup of coffee.

Just after 2 p.m., Mother and I went to our friend's house to visit with her and our other friend from a town about an hour and half east of us. Our friend had set a lovely table for serving coffee and dessert...bright yellow place mats, with floral coasters, upon which rested floral China mugs, white dessert plates and bowls, paper napkins with a floral and butterfly design, and a small votive candle in a glass holder surrounded with artificial daisies. So bright and pretty.

She served caramel frozen yogurt, topped with sliced strawberries, chocolate/raspberry sticks, and spice cookies, with coffee and mocha creamer.

We had a wonderful was so much fun, that I lost track of time, and was shocked when 5 p.m. rolled around. We talked about our children and grandchildren, of course, about the tornado that Son and his family survived in April, and about our community activities.

At the request of one of our friends, I brought along a copy of the book my water aerobics friend wrote that features a snapshot of the author that I took, as well as our county's slick magazine with a photo spread of my shots.

I also brought my new Kindle. Both women protested that they saw no purpose in the device. But when I accessed a word scramble game on it, and let each of them try it, they became absorbed in it. One of the ladies said she was afraid she'd become addicted to it. Before we left, our hostess requeste that I provide a scrambled word for her to work on later. I think I might call her tomorrow and provide another word, just for fun.

They each also read a page or two of one of the books I downloaded, and played with the functions on the unit. It was obvious they were intrigued by the device.

Back home, Mother and I prepared a stir fry supper. Mother had cut up the veggies before we went to our friend's house. I decided on stir fry, in order to use up some fresh veggies in the fridge...zucchini and yellow squash, mushrooms, carrots, onions, and celery. It was very good served over rice.

Mother went home afterward, taking with her three blueberry muffins to put in the freezer as fair entries. Later, we watched a Syfy movie..."100 Feet." A woman comes home from prison under house arrest after serving time for killing her abusive cop husband. But her husband's ghost seeks revenge. She can't leave the house, because she's wearing an ankle bracelet that forbids her getting more than 100 yards from her house.

The second feature we watched was the Lifetime Movie Network film, "Circle of Friends." A woman returns to her hometown to dedicate a scholarship in her late husband's name. She reconnects with old friends, and later starts thinking her dead husband's death may somehow be tied to the mysterious deaths of several former classmates. But in a search for the truth, she puts herself in danger.

Funny: at one point this evening, I caught myself with the TV remote control in one hand, the e-reader in the other, and the laptop computer on my lap! A bluetooth cell phone would have completed my ensemble, I guess.

Annoyance: yesterday, at the WDCS, we bought a bag of when did they package sugar in four-pound bags instead of five? Same price, but a pound less sugar. Ten pound bags are still available, but I expect to see that change to, say, eight pound bags the next time I shop for it.

Aggravation: whatever happened to decency? At the WDCS last Sunday, while Hubbie paid for our purchases, I glanced behind me. At the next register, a 300-pound checker dropped his pen and bent over to pick it up...treating me to fully a foot of his crack! Gad! someone needs to advise him to wear longer shirts.

At the Summer Celebration Monday night, one woman attended in a strapless dress that exposed way too much of her deeply tanned and leathery breasts.

Then yesterday, again at the WDCS, a guy right behind us in the checkout line wore an unbuttoned shirt that exposed his very unattractive hairy chest.

Frequently, we see a young couple at the WDCS whose arms, legs, necks, and much of their faces are covered in tatoos. Yuk! The couple has two young children. Wonder when they'll start getting tats? And I wonder what the couple will look like in their senior years?