Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday, Oct. 8

Up at 7 a.m., but skipped my exercises so we could go to a yard sale at the fairgrounds, and other places around town. When we arrived at the fairgrounds, we met a friend coming out who said the sale wasn't worth their trouble. So we left there and stopped by a couple of other sales at private homes.

At one place, I found a beginner ESL book with CD that I think might be useful for my Literacy Council student. It's a new book, priced at $24.95, but I got it for $3. At another sale, sponsored by a church, I picked up four movies on DVD for $4. Hubbie selected a box of kitchen implements that he thought a family member could use.

Then we decided to return to the fairgrounds and take a look around for ourselves. This sale was sponsored by a school for "Project Graduation." So there was a $1 entrance fee. I didn't find much of use at the yard sale beyond some page dividers I'll use in a cookbook. But vendors has set up in one of the buildings, where jewelry, crafts and the like were offered. One booth featured dried foods, canned goods, etc. Here, I bought a package of garlic/parsley noodles, a package of dehydrated veggies, a package of hard ginger snaps, and a package of hulless popcorn.

Funny: after we left the fairgrounds, we toured a new housing addition. At the cul de sac turnaround, I felt something crawling up the inside of my jeans leg. Since there were no houses around, I peeled out of my jeans and found a little cricket-like critter. It was a lot easier getting out of my jeans than it was to wriggle back into them. Hubbie thought the whole incident was hilarious.

On the way home, we stopped at a fast food restaurant to pick up cups of chili. At home, I accompanied Mother to our house, where she joined us for lunch. Mother had stewed some apples to make applesauce, and after the chili, we enjoyed dishes of that, with coffee and ginger snaps. These are hard ginger snaps, good for dipping in coffee. Mother is planning to make a batch of soft ginger snaps (which are delicious and are a favorite of mine) to take on an upcoming trip.

After lunch, we watched the classic Sci-Fi movie, "Independence Day," that I'd recorded on DVR. It's another good October film, even though the plot centers around the July 4 holiday.

Then we watched an old 1963 Alfred Hitchcock movie classic, "The Birds," a psycological thriller in which a small California town is suddenly besieged by birds that attack, and in some cases, kill people.

Later, we had whole wheat pancakes for supper. Afterward, I accompanied Mother to her house. Around 8 p.m., Hubbie and I watched our favorite college football team, as they played to a wide-margin win. I'd recorded the game on DVR.