Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, Oct. 6

Lazy day. Slept until 7:30, and after breakfast, Hubbie and I went for a bike ride. Beautiful, beautiful weather for a ride.

After that, we did this and that before lunch, and very little beyond reading our novels after lunch. Mother stayed at home today, though I visited her for a while this afternoon.

After a supper of leftovers, Hubbie and I went to the movie theater to see "Moneyball," starring Brad Pitt as the general manager of the Oakland A's, Billy Beane, who uses computer-generated analysis to put together a winning team.

Only six of us were in the theater. Afterward, we noticed three elderly ladies, one of whom is an acquaintance, standing by a car, so I asked if everything was okay. One of them said the driver of the car had locked her keys in the car, including the key to her house.

We stuck around until we knew they had solved their problem. They tried to call a locksmith, but got only voice mail. Finally, the woman locked out her car remembered that her neighbor has a key to her house and that there was an extra car key at her home. So another lady offered to drive her to the neighbor's house. Problem solved, and we felt free to come on home.

We were back home around 10 p.m., in time to head to bed.