Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, April 28

Up around 7 a.m. Got dressed and had breakfast, but skipped my exercises. Mother and Sis came over about nine. Daughter slept really late, until nearly 10:30. I think this is the usual hour she rises, because she works the 4 p.m. to midnight shift at her place of employment, so it's probably 2 a.m. before she winds down enough to sleep.

Since she was up so late, she opted for a glass of orange juice only for breakfast, because lunch was only a couple of hours away.

Didn't accomplish much for the morning beyond throwing a load of laundry in the washer, programming the DVR for upcoming movies and programs, and doing a couple of other regular Sunday things.

At 11 a.m., Hubbie went to the WDCS to pick up a couple of rotisserie chickens and a few groceries, while I put the baked beans in the oven to heat, and a pan of corn-on-the-cob on to boil.

Hubbie was home with the chickens right at noon, and we sat down to enjoy the meal that included the meat, the beans, the corn, and potato salad, with strawberries and whipped topping for dessert.

Sis was ready to head home shortly afterward, but Daughter spent the rest of the afternoon with us. While she was here, I planned the menu for the upcoming week. One meal I want to fix is chicken spaghetti, using a recipe I haven't made in several years.

I knew what cookbook the recipe was in, but I couldn't immediately find it. So I decided I needed to clean my cookbook bookshelves. I took everything off of them and discarded a few of the cookbooks that I knew I'd never use, and a bunch of recipes clipped from magazines, etc., that I never got around to trying. Daughter went through all the materials and set aside what she wanted. The rest went to the trash.

Then she accompanied Mother to her house, where she visited for a while. After a sandwich supper with Hubbie and me, she left for home around 6 p.m.

Later, I decided to take a look at the chicken spaghetti recipe to see what I need for it. One thing it calls for is a couple of cans of cream of mushroom soup, which I no longer use, because of the sodium content. So I searched online for a recipe for a homemade version, and found one.

So tomorrow, I guess I'll be making a pot of boiled chicken, and a recipe of cream of mushroom soup and then make the spaghetti on Tuesday.

Hubbie and I spent the rest of the evening watching TV.