Sunday, October 27, 2013

Thursday, Oct. 24

Up at 6 a.m. to be dressed and ready for when the painter came. He was scheduled to be here around 8:30, but he was delayed, and didn't come until after lunch. When it became apparent that he wasn't going to show up this morning, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises.

He arrived shortly after lunch and went to work to finishing painting the kitchen. It was around 5:30 before he got done.

I accomplished nothing while he worked...just entertained myself with my e-reader, and newspapers. Hubbie worked outdoors, and Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle.

For supper, I heated a variety of leftovers. While we were at the table, Sis arrived and joined us. She is scheduled to spend a few days.

After supper, I decided to make a batch of pumpkin muffins, using a recipe that Sis posted on a social network page. The recipe calls for nothing more than a yellow or white cake mix, and a can of pumpkin. They are very tasty.

After supper, we watched all of this season's new NCIS episodes, which I'd recorded on DVR. Afterward, Sis accompanied Mother to her house.

Tonight is predicted to be the cold enough to produce frost in the morning. It's difficult for me to force myself out of bed on cold mornings to go to water aerobics, but I'll do it.