Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, Oct. 29

Slept late, until 7:30 this morning. Did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and we decided to make a batch of crab apple jelly before I went upstairs to get ready for the day.

I thought I would need to strain the juice through cheesecloth, since it was so cloudy when I put it in the refrigerator last night. But by this morning, the cloudiness had settled to the bottom of the container, so there was nice clear juice at the top to work with.

The jelly recipe used seven cups of juice and nine cups of sugar, so we got a dozen jars of jelly.  Only one is not sealed, so Mother will take that jar home with her.

It was 11:30 by the time we finished making the jelly, so I fixed Ramen noodle soup for Mother's lunch, and Hubbie made grilled cheese sandwiches for the two of us. Afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and I finally showered.

Spent the afternoon reading newspapers and playing on my e-tablet until around 4 p.m. At that time, I filled a microwave dish with leftovers for Mother to heat for her supper later. At 4:30, I put a pan of leftovers in the oven to warm, while Hubbie and I attended a reception at the art gallery at 5 p.m.
Before we left the house, I turned the oven off. The meal would stay warm until we returned.

The purpose of the reception was to announce that a business adjacent to the gallery is being closed and sold, and the gallery has obtained funds to buy not only the space it how occupies, but the adjacent space as well.

So the state senators from our area, along with our town's mayor, who were instrumental in helping to fund the project, were on hand for the announcement. A large group of folks...art gallery board members, visual arts committee members (of which I'm a member), and patrons of the arts attended.

We enjoyed visiting with folks. One of our friends, and her husband, are over-the-moon excited about the impending arrival of triplet grandchildren, due in a couple of months. She told us that the triplets consist of twin boys, and a girl. They, and the parents of the babies, were hoping for either two boys and a girl, or two girls and a boy, so everybody is happy.

Talked with a community theater member who has had a stressful week...her mother, who has been residing in an independent living home, had an accident recently that has limited her mobility. The living center has notified our friend that her mother can no longer stay at the center and had to be immediately moved. Fortunately, a space became available at a nearby nursing home, so our friend had to rush to move her mother.

Also talked with a lady who is on the friends of the college library executive board. She was thrilled to learn that I've been invited to sit on the board. I'm joining the board as an alumna of the college, and the husband of this lady is my former art professor.

We were back home around 6 p.m., ready to eat, since it was about an hour past our usual supper hour.

Hubbie was plenty ready to leave the reception, because a few minutes before we left, he began experiencing a pain in the arch of his left foot. Before long, he was limping around on that foot. Standing for an hour at the gallery didn't help.

We are mystified as to what is wrong with his foot, but if it doesn't straighten up by tomorrow, I think he would be advised to visit his doctor.