Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday, Nov. 1

First day of November...Thanksgiving coming up.

We were up at 6 a.m. so I could get ready for water aerobics. It was a little cool this morning, but not bad at all. The water in the pool was toasty, and twenty-five of us attended aerobics.

Back home afterward, I had a couple of cups of coffee, and then headed upstairs to get ready for the day. In the meantime, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. He also put sweet potatoes in the oven for our lunch.

We had the sweet potatoes with slices of buttered rye bread. Afterward, we went to the fairgrounds for the Extension Homemakers annual holiday craft sale. Mother enjoys going to this event mainly to visit with ladies she hasn't seen for a long time.

Other than picking up an EH logo t-shirt that I ordered just to contribute to the cause, and buying some washcloths that were folded and stitched to make small pockets for holding dental hygiene tools, we didn't buy anything. The washcloths are intended for travel, but I'll use them all the time just to cover my toothbrush, etc., to keep them protected against stuff in the air.

Back home, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I went on a photo safari around town. Had a heart-stopping moment at a traffic light, when we started into the intersection on a green light, and a car full of young people blew through a red light, coming within inches of hitting us broadside.

 On the way back home from that, we stopped at the church down the road from us that sponsored a pumpkin patch. Folks who wanted them could pick up as many of the remaining pumpkins as they wanted, since someone is to come by tomorrow and gather what's left to be dumped on a compost pile.

At home again, I heated leftover beef stew, and cooked noodles to spoon the stew over. We had the meal with slices of buttered rye bread.

Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then he and I went to the movie theater to see the 3-D feature, "Gravity."

There were only six of us in the screening room tonight, and we waited until well past the scheduled 7:30 view time for the movie to begin, and when it didn't, a guy behind us went to see what the problem was. Seems the protectionist had not been informed that there was an audience in that room. No audience, no movie.

This a very intense film, with realistic effects. It's best seen in 3-D, which affords viewers a sense of floating out in space. Views of the earth are spectacular. It's takes special brave souls to go into space. I am not one. I'm very glad to be tethered to earth.

Back home, we had helpings of no-crust pumpkin with whipped topping, watched a TV show and the news, then headed to bed.