Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, Nov. 8

Up around 7:30, but skipped my exercises, because I needed to go ahead and get ready for the day, so Mother and I could meet our appointments at the clinic.

We left for the appointments a little after 9:30. It's not far to the clinic, but I allowed time for getting Mother in and out of the van, and in and out of the wheelchair, as well as navigating the several doors to the third floor. There is a automatic door for entering the building, but after that, I have to open the others with my rear end and then maneuver Mother's chair through. It surprises me that the clinic isn't more accessible than that.

We didn't have to wait long to be called back to the lab, though. Turned out we both needed blood tests. I thought Mother was supposed to give a urine specimen, since I was told there was blood in her kidneys. But to check her kidneys calls for a blood test.

Mother didn't expect this, so she drank a lot of water this morning to get ready for a urine test (she was completely unable to provide a specimen at her six-month appointment a couple of months ago). She didn't drink enough water during those two months, though, because the lab nurse had difficulty finding a vein, and then getting enough blood once she did, since Mother is so dehydrated. She never drinks enough water, no matter how much I bug her to do so. Her arm will probably be plenty black and blue from the nurse having to dig around in it so long.

The nurse didn't have any trouble drawing blood from me, though I do have a small bruise from it. My test was to make sure my white blood cell count has increased sufficiently. If not, I'll probably be put through some other test or tests to find what's causing inflammation.

Back home, we relaxed until time for lunch, which was the remainder of the chicken noodle soup. Afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran the bank; and to a grocery store to pick up this week's free item, plus a couple of yellow cake mixes.

Next was the card shop, which was having an open house today....bought a couple of jigsaw puzzles for Mother for Christmas, and a couple of greeting cards (I was able to apply a $10 coupon that I printed from the Hallmark online site to the purchase). We also registered for the door prize, and enjoyed the refreshments provided.

From there, we went to a department store, where I hoped to find mock turtleneck shirts for Mother (but there were none in petite size); then to the WDCS to check the price of bed sheets, and to buy several grocery items.

After that we went to another department store, where, when we applied a coupon, we were able to buy sheets and pillow cases at a lower price than at the WDCS, and where I found a table full of various colors of petite sized turtlenecks...I bought six to give to Mother for Christmas.

It was 3 p.m. by the time we got back home. I did this and that around the house until 4 p.m., when I put a variety of leftovers in the oven for our supper.

After supper, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then he and I went to the art gallery for an artist's reception. The reception was from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., and we arrived just before 6 p.m. At 6:30, the artist, a lady we've known for years, spoke about her art, which consists of large clay figures in the form of chess pieces, and a series of collages, constructed from images of historic artifacts.

At the gallery, we spoke with a woman who commented that her husband was not there because he was practicing for a chorale event this evening. She said she hoped that we would attend. I asked when it was, and she said tonight at 7:30. I understood it would take place at the college, so Hubbie and I decided to attend.

But Hubbie was sure she said 7 p.m., so we hurried over there to find there was no one there. Okay, so it was at 7:30, as I understood to begin with. Instead of returning home, we decided to park and listen to an audiobook we started on a trip recently.

When 7:30 rolled around and no one arrived, we knew we'd misunderstood where the event was to take place, and figured it must be at the church instead. By now we were too late to get there, so we returned home and watched TV.