Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, Nov. 5

Slept late, until after 8 a.m., but did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30 a.m., and she broke up stacks of puzzles and put them back in boxes. She works the puzzles over and over again.

Once I was ready for the day, it was close to noon. We had leftover chicken noodle soup for lunch. My plan for the afternoon on this rainy, dismal day, was to make sugar cookies. But the recipe calls for powdered sugar, and I didn't have any. So I decided to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. But I didn't have stick margarine.

No cookie making today...instead Hubbie and I went to the grocery store to get the missing ingredients, as well as on-sale canned goods.

From the grocery store, we went to a dollar store to pick up birthday cards for family members. Between us, there are a dozen birthdays during November and December. To buy that number at the card shop would cost around $50. Got the same number at the dollar store for $11.

Back home, I was no longer in the mood to bake cookies, so I relaxed with the newspapers until time to prepare supper. Mother helped by slicing onions and putting the dish together. I peeled and sliced apples for it, and browned the pork chops.

The recipe calls for layering the onions and apples in a baking dish, topping them with the pork chops, and then brushing the chops with a mixture of honey and mustard. It's a simple dish that is delicious. We had the pork chops with rice, and leftover green beans.

I was supposed to attend a visual arts committee meeting at the gallery at 5:30, but I was in no mood to go on this rainy, chilly evening, so I didn't. I don't think I could have contributed much anyway, since the discussion was about mounting a juried art show, and decisions about that are better left to those who have organized it the last few years.

Shortly after supper, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then we spent the evening watching one-hour shows on TV.