Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, Feb. 17

Today is President's Day, so the first thing Hubbie did was hang our flag on the well house, and Mother's flag on her porch.

Up around 8 a.m., and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and then he ran errands. One errand was to the propane service to report that there was an odor in the spare bedroom and the utility room.

I've been complaining about this odor for months, which I suspected to be a gas leak, but Hubbie, who has malfunctioning olfactory glands, insisted that if it was a gas leak, it would smell like rotten eggs or skunk or something.

While Hubbie was gone, Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle, and I did this and that, and then got ready for the day. It was 11:30 by the time I came downstairs, so I fixed a lunch of veggie soup and bran muffins.

The propane guy came after lunch. Since he was in and out of the house, going from the bedroom to the utility room, to the central heat upstairs, I didn't feel comfortable doing anything. So I played on my tablet and generally goofed off.

Later, Hubbie told me that indeed there was a small gas leak in a copper tube in the bedroom (which is no longer used, since we now have an electric water heater). He plugged that tube.

More than that, he found a sizable leak in the line that runs from the propane tank to the house that required digging a trench and replacing a large portion of the line.

All of this could have been accomplished a long time ago if Hubbie had been willing to believe me when I first mentioned there was something amiss.

Spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on reading newspapers, while we watched an episode of the Winter Olympics.

For supper, I heated leftover pork chops and sweet potatoes in the oven, and served the meal with coleslaw and Sis's homemade bread.

Later, around 6:30, we went to the college down the road to see the capital city's repertory children's theater version of "Sleepy Hollow." The performance, which lasted only about 45 minutes, had it's comical moments, but wasn't one of the theater's better efforts.

We might have enjoyed it more if a young mother with a noisy two-year-old child would have immediately left instead alternating between standing behind us near the back of the auditorium, or walking up and down the aisle, hoping the child would suddenly stop disturbing folks.

Back home, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then we watched episodes of "Friday Night Lights."