Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday, April 18

Up around 6:30, but skipped my exercises after breakfast, so I could get dressed and ready to take Mother to meet a 9:40 appointment with the ophthalmologist.

We arrived at the clinic about 9:30, then had to sit and wait endlessly before we were called back to an exam room.

Mother remarked a couple of weeks ago that a film we were watching at the film fest was vignetted around the edges. She asked if we noticed it. We did not. So today, an assistant gave her an eye test that involved looking at a target, then pressing a button when she saw flashes around the edge. After this test, we were moved to another exam room.

The assistant also gave her the routine eye chart and glaucoma tests. Then we sat in this room for a while before the doctor arrived. He examined Mother's eyes, and then discussed the results of the target test.

He said it indicated she might have glaucoma, though this test sometimes gives false/positive results. So he is not completely convinced she has the disease. But he prescribed eye drops that she is to use each night before bed.

She's to do this for two months, then return for another exam. At that time, he will perform a test that gives more accurate results. In the meantime, the eye drops will stop progression of the disease, if she does have glaucoma. Glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be managed.

I will need to be the one to go to Mother's house each night and administer the medication, since she won't be able to do it for herself. It's not easy to put eye drops in Mother's eyes, since she tends to squeeze her eyes shut whenever anyone gets near them. I'll have to force her eyelids open.

Today at the clinic, the assistant could not make Mother lean her head into a strap for a glaucoma test, so I had to hold her head against it to keep her from jerking back.

It was noon before we left the clinic. At home, Hubbie had heated soups for lunch, but Mother and I didn't want them, since this is Good Friday, and we wanted meatless meals. So I made scrambled eggs and toast for us, and Hubbie had the Dragon Soup.

After lunch, Mother relaxed and watched TV, while Hubbie and I ran the pharmacy to drop off Mother's prescription, to the greeting card shop to pick up cards for Mother, back to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription, to a department store so I could see if there was anything I could apply a $10 off $25 purchase to (found two blouses on the clearance rack), and to the WDCS to shop for Mother and pick up a few groceries.

Back home, I relaxed for a little while, then began supper preparations. Mother helped by fixing salads and garlic bread to go with leftover spaghetti.

Mother was ready to go home shortly after supper, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched TV, including the cliffhanger season finale of "Scandal," and episodes of "Bones."