Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday, April 16

Up around 7:30 this morning, and did stair stepping, resistance band, and weights exercises after breakfast, since I couldn't go to water aerobics. My thumb is still as wonky as ever. I hope I'm not looking at surgery.

Once I was ready for the day, I didn't accomplish much for the morning, except washing a couple of loads of laundry. The three of us were invited to attend a noon luncheon honoring volunteers at the Caring Hands Hospice office, and since we were dressed for the event, we didn't want to do anything to get dirty.

There was only one other person at the office when we arrived, but soon others arrived, and we lined up for a potluck lunch, provided by the staff of Caring Hands. It was yummy...chicken/rice casserole from a local restaurant, spinach lasagna, a Mexican casserole, fresh greens and fruit salad with sesame seeds and a sweet dressing, green beans, a corn dish, ham and beans, and cornbread, cheese dip and corn chips, and rolls.

Desserts included chocolate pie, some sort of deep dish chocolate concoction, peach pie, and Italian cream cheese cake.There was so much food that staff insisted that we take plates of it home for supper, and we did.

After we'd eaten, a staff member read a poem about the value of volunteers. Then another staff member presented gifts to each volunteers... $20 gift cards to a local steak house. We were all surprised and appreciative of this gesture. Before we left, a staff member snapped a group photo.

The woman who is coordinating the volunteers now asked Mother and me to provide more greeting cards. All kinds are needed...note cards, birthday cards, and sympathy cards. So we will begin making cards as soon as we have free days, sometime after Easter.

Back home afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, while Hubbie and I ran the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions and last week's and this week's free items (a carton of Greek yogurt, and a 12-pack of lemon tea), to the literacy council office to purchase tickets for a charity bingo next week, to the greeting card shop to buy Jelly Belly candy for Mother for Easter, to the Chamber of Commerce to pick up a copy of the county's monthly slick magazine, and to the WDCS to buy a new land line phone and a toilet seat, as well groceries.

Back home, we watched the last of season three of "Bones." The DVDs of this show are due back to the library tomorrow. Hubbie can return season three and then re-check season four on my library card while he is running errands tomorrow.

Mother was ready to go home around 5 p.m., and Hubbie accompanied her. I sent helpings of the food we brought home for her to have for supper later.

Hubbie and I weren't ready to eat until around 7:30. We spent the evening watching season four episodes of "Bones."