Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 9

Up at 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance band, and leg weights after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and we headed to the kitchen to make a batch of pineapple jam.

The reason we wanted to make the jam was because we had an oversupply of pineapple after buying a couple of them at 99 cents each. Usually, we can quickly eat this much of the fruit, but since strawberry season is in full swing, we have been enjoying those.

I found a recipe online at the Sure Jell site that calls for four and a half cups of pineapple, cut into small pieces, and five and a half cups of sugar, along with the pectin, and half a teaspoon of butter. Mother cut up the pineapple and measured the sugar, while I gathered everything we needed for jelly making.  Then I cooked the jam, Mother ladled it into jars, and I sealed the jars and processed them. We got five half pints of product.

After that, Mother headed to her jigsaw puzzle, and I went upstairs to shower and dress. While I did this, Hubbie took the van to the auto shop to have freon put in the air conditioner. The air conditioner was operating, but not at full capacity. In the south, we need all the cooling power in our cars that we can get.

When he returned, we had a lunch of leftover chili-mac, with cottage cheese, and bread and butter. Mother went back to her puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran errands...first to the auto shop so Hubbie could get an air tank filled.

Then we went to the library to return two seasons of "Bones," and pick up season 8. But that DVD was out, so we put a hold on it. That will end the series that will be available at the library, since season 9 has not been released yet. However, a library staff member suggested I go to On Demand on my TV, because it is available there.

From the library we went to the WDCS for a few items, and to take back the lamp shades we bought a couple of days ago, because they were too small for our den lamps. Hubbie had misplaced the receipt, but we had no trouble returning them for a larger size.

As it happened there were only two shades on the shelf in a size we could use, and when we got them back home and put them on the lamps, we discovered one of them was damaged on the inside...a thing that only showed when the light was on. So we will have to take that one back. I guess I'll just keep the old one on the end table lamp, since it doesn't show wear like the floor lamp one did.

Stopped by a cafe' after that to pick up a quart of chicken salad for the weekend, and then headed home.

Relaxed for a while, and then Mother and I put together a breakfast casserole for supper. She diced onions, bell pepper, and mushrooms, which I sauteed. Then we layered leftover sauteed potatoes, ham, the sauteed veggies, egg substitute, crumbled biscuits, and shredded Monterey Jack cheese. Served the dish with more biscuits and jelly, and fresh orange and prunes on the side. Cups of hot coffee finished the meal.

Shortly after supper, Daughter called to ask if it was okay if she brings a couple of my great-granddaughter with her for the weekend. Of course, I don't. But I'm glad she alerted me, so I could make a quick run to the store again to get a few more things for meals.

Hubbie and I went together to the WDCS, but before we went, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then called our neighbors, who live in the house behind us. He needed to alert the neighbor that there is a dead armadillo in his backyard.

It has been there a couple of days and is getting really ripe. I don't see how the neighbor could not have known this, but apparently he did not. Anyway, he said he will go out and bury it in the morning. Fortunately, the odor has not yet invaded our house, but it sure does stink outside.

When we returned from our errand, we watched TV for a while, until it was time for me to go put drops in Mother's eyes, around 9 p.m. Finished the evening with more TV.