Sunday, May 11, 2014

Saturday, May 10

Up around 7:30, but skipped my exercises, and went ahead and got ready for the day right after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, then he and I did this and that around the house to get ready for a weekend visit from Daughter, Sis, and two great-granddaughters.

The family arrived just after we'd sat down to lunch. So they joined us. Lunch was chicken salad sandwiches and chips for the adults, and PB&J sandwiches for the girls. One of the girls has recently acquired braces on her teeth, so she has to be careful in her food choices, and in how she eats her food. Despite the braces, though, she had a healthy appetite at every meal.

After lunch, we lazed for the afternoon. The girls occupied themselves, while Mother, Sis, Daughter, and I watched the movie musical, "Mama Mia." This was the first time Daughter had seen the movie, and she loved it. The rest of us have seen the movie a few times, but we never grow tired of it.

While we were occupied with the movie, Hubbie ran the roadside vendor to pick up a couple of flats of strawberries for Sis, and to the grocery store for a few items. Then he worked in the yard.

Following this movie, we watched the very strange movie, "Dark Shadows," starring Johnny Depp and Michelle Pheiffer. I rremember watching the Dark Shadows TV series years ago, but this movie bore very little resemblance to that. The TV series was a soap opera that ran from the mid 60s to the early 70s. The movie is comical at times as the vampire returns home to a dysfunctional family.

Later, we fixed a supper of BLT/Vidalia onion sandwiches, served with both boxed macaroni and cheese (which I can't eat because of the yellow dye), and homemade macaroni and cheese, and the remainder of the beans and ham. Dessert, of course, was angel food cake, strawberries, and ice cream.

Afterward, we played several games of Skipbo. Mother won two games, and Sis and I each won one. None for Daughter and Hubbie, unfortunately.

Mother was tired by then and wanted to go home, so we all accompanied her, and I put drops in her eyes. Daughter and the girls stayed there for a while, but Hubbie and I returned home.

Watched a little TV and then headed to bed.