Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12

Up around 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance band, and leg weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning.

She wasn't in the mood to work her jigsaw puzzle, so she just relaxed, while I got ready for the day, and did a couple of things, like trying on tops that Daughter brought to me. Apparently, her friend decided to reorganize her closet and discard some items that no longer fit, or that she's grown tired of. A few of the tops are in colors that suit me and will work under other shirts, but several of them aren't my style, so they will be donated to a second-hand store.

After I'd gone through the tops, I gathered laundry, and washed two loads. By now, it was nearly noon. Hubbie had come in from working in the yard, and fixed Ramen noodle soup for Mother, a chicken salad sandwich for me, and a ham sandwich for himself.

After lunch, he went to the roadside vendor to pick up another flat of strawberries. Then he went back into the yard, while I washed the berries, and helped Mother cap and slice them for the freezer. We got nine quarts. We now have enough in the freezer to make several batches of jam.

I was glad we got done with that project when we did, because it began thunder storming, and I'm not keen on working in the kitchen during storms.

Didn't accomplish much after that, but I enjoyed spending quite a while messaging with my granddaughter on my tablet.

Later, Mother and I put together a strange supper. Made a casserole, using leftover mashed potatoes, chicken, and gravy, from yesterday. Added a layer of bread crumbs and shredded cheese to the dish and baked it in the oven. Also put a dish of macaroni and cheese made from a box mix in the oven.

Since I can't eat boxed mac and cheese, I made a batch for myself by cooking macaroni in water containing diced bell pepper, and making a sauce from milk, two percent American cheese with no yellow dye in it, and spices.

Added leftover corn-on-the-cob, and slices of Sis's homemade bread to the meal. It was a tasty meal, if a little strange, and too high-carb.

Mother was ready to go home shortly after supper, so I accompanied her. Then Hubbie and I watched one-hour shows on TV. Around 8:30, I went back to Mother's house to put drops in her eyes. She was sound asleep in her chair when I got there. She didn't hear me come in the door, and I had to shake her several times to awaken her.

Finished the evening watching TV, then headed to bed.