Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday, June 20

Slept late today, until around 8 a.m., but did stair stepping, resistance band, and weights exercises after breakfast. I decided to re-introduce my barbell weights back into my routine, but in so doing, I managed to roll an eight-pound weight off the dresser onto my right foot. I'll now sport a huge bruise on the top of that foot. I'm just glad I didn't break it.

Around 9:30, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and I brought out a stack of jigsaw puzzles for her to choose from. When she had chosen one, and was comfortably settled and ready to go to work, I went upstairs to get ready for the day.

While I was getting ready, I heard a familiar meowing outside the bathroom door. I checked and saw that it was the constipated cat. Where had she come from? I called downstairs to ask about her, and Hubbie told me he'd found the cat over the rafters in the garage. I guess she'd been hiding there since she escaped a couple of days ago.

No doubt our old crooked-jaw tom cat scared her into the rafters. He thinks he owns the property, and doesn't take kindly to other cats invading, even though the constipated cat, and another black cat, were born here, and have as much right to stay as he does. The other black cat simply stays out of the old tom's way, and refuses to be run off.

Once I was dressed, Hubbie and I ran a few errands, including going to the farmer's market to pick up new potatoes, small yellow squash, green beans, tomatoes, and purple hull peas for our Sunday dinner.

We were back home at noon, and ready for lunch. Mother had her usual soup, I had gravy over bread, and Hubbie had a ham sandwich.

Afterward, Mother returned to her puzzle, Hubbie went out to work in the yard, and I completed yearly federal reports of our scrapbook club, due to the county Extension Homemakers Council before July 1. I'm cutting it pretty close, but they are ready now to be delivered to the office on Monday.

It seems ridiculous to have to spend a couple of hours filling out forms reporting to the government the meager income and expenses of our club. It's tedious, which is why I put off doing it until the last minute. But submitting the reports assures that our club will continue to receive a small annual grant from the County EH Council that helps buy supplies for making greeting cards for Caring Hands Hospice.

Relaxed for a while after that, until time to prepare an egg casserole supper. Mother helped by dicing a leftover baked potato, and some onion, and ham, and then shedding cheese. I sauteed the potato and onion, along with bell pepper and mushrooms from the, then we layered the vegetables with eggs, ham, cheese, and bread crumbs.

Served the casserole with sliced tomatoes topped with cottage cheese, and canned biscuits, with a choice of honey, strawberry jam, or pineapple jelly, and cups of coffee. It was a very tasty meal.

Mother was ready to go home shortly afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her. I went over later and put drops in her eyes. The Hubbie and I continued watching episodes of "The Forsyte Saga."