Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday, June 18

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics. I wanted to be sure to attend today, since the pool will be closed after today's session until the week after next. About 15 of us attended. Usually there are around 20. The water was pleasant, and I enjoyed it.

Back home, I learned that our constipated cat is missing. Hubbie  brought her home from the vet's Monday, after she'd been there for a month. This is the cat that was hit by a car, injuring her hip, and making it difficult for her to have a bowel movement without daily doses of mineral oil.

Hubbie has had to take her to the vet a couple of times because of her problem, and the vet has been very patient in treating her. And he has never charged a dime to keep her.

This is a sweet people...but she doesn't blend well with the other cats. She hisses and spits at the others, and refuses to be social. So the other cats don't miss her when she's gone, but I hate for her to be outdoors, because eventually she'll get constipated again, and we won't be able to help her.

We don't know how she escaped, but she probably just scooted out when Hubbie opened the sunroom door yesterday. Maybe she'll come back soon. I don't want to think of her dying in agony somewhere.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she went to her jigsaw puzzle while I got ready for the day.

I spent the rest of the morning gathering scrapbooking supplies, and planning pages, for a club meeting tomorrow.

I didn't accomplish much after lunch other than catching up on reading newspapers, and setting up an e-mail account for Hubbie on his new e-tablet.

Supper tonight was cold chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked beans, and coleslaw. Mother was ready to go home afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her. I went over there later and put drops in her eyes.

We spent the evening watching episodes of "The Forsyte Saga."