Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15

Usually, we turn the bedroom TV on at bedtime, then set the timer for it to go off. Hubbie thought he could get to sleep faster without the TV, although I've noticed he's snoring within fifteen minutes of hitting his pillow even with the TV on.

Last night, it was lights out as soon as we were in bed. The TV lulls me to sleep, but since it wasn't on, I read a novel on my e-tablet. The tablet is brightly lighted, but Hubbie said it didn't bother him. I read until I got sleepy...in about the same amount of time as with the TV.

I could have slept late this morning, since I didn't have to go to water aerobics, but naturally I woke up at 6 a.m. Hubbie snoozed on until 7:30. I was plenty ready to get up by then.

I did stair stepping, resistance band, and weights exercises after breakfast. Then I accompanied Mother to our house, since Hubbie had gone to have truck air conditioner serviced. Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, while I got ready for the day.

Once I was dressed, I updated the anti-virus on the office computer, and installed other computer updates. Then I printed coupons from our insurance carrier website. Out of 30 pages of coupons, I found only fifteen we can use.

By now, it was lunchtime, so I heated leftover egg casserole, with which I planned to have toast, until I discovered we didn't have any bread. So Hubbie went to the store down the road and got a loaf.

After lunch, Mother went back to her puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran errands...to the library to take back a DVD, and get two week's more time on the other one we have; to the post office to mail coupons to Granddaughter; to a grocery store/pharmacy to pick up a prescription and get this week's free item, plus a couple of other items; and lastly, to the WDCS and the gas station.

Back home, I read my novel, while Hubbie went to meet a doctor appointment. He has been bothered by what he calls an uneasy stomach. It has been going on for a couple of weeks, so I thought it was time for him to see about it. Unfortunately, the doctor didn't have an answer. He suggested that if Hubbie continues to have a problem, he will be scheduled for tests. Nothing was done today beyond a blood test.

While Hubbie was gone, I got a call from Mother's doctor's office informing me of her appointment with a podiatrist. We no longer have a podiatrist in our town, so the one in a town about 30 miles away comes each Wednesday to treat patients in our town. Which explains, I guess, why Mother's appointment isn't until August 20. That's way longer than I'd hoped for.

Later, for supper, I heated an odd mix of leftovers...goulash, green beans, ham and beans, and sautéed squash, which I served with slices of French bread.

Mother was ready to go home shortly afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched episodes of "The Good Wife." Later, I went to Mother's to put drops in her eyes.

Wow, what a wonderfully cool day for July! Temp in our county was in the 70s.