Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday, July 13

Up at 8 a.m., but skipped my exercises and went ahead and got ready for the day. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and we did our usual Sunday morning stuff.

Close to 11 a.m., Hubbie went to the WDCS to pick up a rotisserie chicken for lunch, since I didn't have a plan for today. At noon, we had the chicken with baked potatoes, and sliced tomatoes and cucumbers.

Afterward, Mother and I changed into clothes suitable for attending a play. Hubbie and I agreed to usher the show..."Nunsense"...presented by our local community theater. So we were to be there by 1:15. We left the house around a quarter to twelve.

When we arrived, we saw that we needed to help collate programs. Seems the audiences for this production were bigger than expected, so new programs had to be printed. Also, whoever got the information together for the programs inadvertently left out the name of the young man who recently won an award as the biggest fan of our state football team. He had a walk-on part in the play as a monk.

There were still some programs left from last night's performance, which were at the ticket table, but if anyone tried to pick one up, he practically dragged them over to me to get a program, since I had the ones with his name in them.

Finally, the director of the play herded him back to the off-stage area. Then she remarked that he has caused problems in the past by being officious. I remember one time when he was ushering, he would insist that people sit in certain rows of the theater, rather than letting them choose their own seating. When he did this, I went to the folks and told them that they could get up and move to whatever part of the theater they wanted.

Before the theater doors opened, I asked the director if I could seat Mother, because I thought it would be easier to get her out of the wheelchair and up the couple of steps to comfortable seating before people began arriving. The director said this would be fine. So Mother was treated to some pre-show rehearsals.

The doors opened at 2 p.m., so once Hubbie and I had finished taking tickets and handing out programs, we went into the theater. There were no seats available where Mother was, so we had to go to the top tier of seats.

Wow, it was hot in that theater! Obviously, the air conditioning was not on, probably because there are no classes on campus right now. There were big fans, but they didn't stir the air up where we were seated.

The play was wonderful...very professionally done. We knew several of the actors, some of whom I served with on the board.

Before the play began, there was the usual announcement to turn off cell phones. Well, the lady seated beside me just couldn't resist checking her social network page. Cell phones are exceedingly bright in a darkened theater...very distracting.

So I shaded my eyes with my program to block the light. Every time, she checked the phone, I threw the program up to my face. She finally got the message and quit checking it. Why must people be so rude? Surely there is nothing so important that we can't set aside our cell phones for an hour or so. If there is, we should stay home and tend to it.

The performance ended around 4:30. We waited until most folks had left before we helped Mother down the steps and into the wheelchair. Before we came home, we stopped by a fast food restaurant to cool off with cups of frosty ice cream. Chocolate for Mother and me, of course.

We waited until we got back home to enjoy the ice cream, and then Mother stayed to watch a movie with us. She has had a good couple of days...going to the new farmer's market downtown yesterday, followed by breakfast at the hospital, and then to a play today, followed by having a cup of frosty ice cream.

Mother was ready to go home after the movie, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched episodes of "The Good Wife." Later, I went to Mother's house to put drops in her eyes.

Wow! It was hot and humid today. So far this summer has been pretty mild, but today felt like a typical July day in the south. Cooler weather is on the way, though, according to the weatherman.