Monday, June 2, 2008

Camp, Sunday - Time to Leave

After a breakfast of bagels and cream cheese, Hubbie and I rode bikes around the campground. Today as we rode, we saw a tugboat slowly pushing double barges into the river lock beside the dam. The river is still very high after frequent flooding this spring. Hubbie asked a park staff member how high the river had gotten, and he said water had covered the campsites on the river bank, as well as the playgrounds, and would have gotten the registration building if they had not raised it up on concrete blocks.

Except for one frog and one turtle, we didn't see much wildlife today beyond the usual squirrels and birds. The cottonwood trees, though, were sending their fuzz into the air to land in drifts alongside the campsite road, where Shih Tzu could sniff it and cough and sneeze.

Daughter, Great-Granddaughter, and Great-Grandson dropped by this morning after our bike ride and had a breakfast of cold cereals. They visited while Hubbie hooked up the camper. We were ready to hit the road home by 10:30 a.m.

A day that started cool, windy, and with threats of storms, turned hot and humid by the time we arrived home in the afternoon.


Ann crum said...

This annual camp is one of my favorite family get-togethers. I'm so glad you didn't get caught in the storms that hit here yesterday afternoon!

Sixty Something said...

We enjoy it, too, though I'm sorry more couldn't be there this year. I missed seeing some of the babies. Good thing I got to see them at the shower recently. Yes, we were happy to get out of town before the storms.