Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Dead Appliance

The day started leisurely enough...we slept until about 8:30 a.m., and I skipped my exercises in favor of getting my hair colored in anticipation of haircuts this week.

No sooner had Mother completed the tinting task, though, than Hubbie announced that our freezer was on the blink. Fortunately, it hadn't thawed completely, so most of the food was still safe to be whisked to the freezers in our refrigerators, or to Mother's freezer next door. We threw a few things out, but not much.

This freezer has already been repaired once, so we dread that it might be completely dead this time, meaning we'll be out several hundred dollars for a new one. We're just glad it didn't decide to crash in late October, when we are scheduled to be in Branson for several days.

Other than that emergency, we had an average Sunday, with a meatloaf and baked sweet potato lunch, plus a big pot of spinach, since four packages of the vegetable had thawed and needed to be used right away.

After lunch, Hubbie and I went to one of the stores that has a sale every weekend to see if I could use a $10 coupon to buy a new pair of jeans. No dice. The store doesn't carry either of my preferred brands anymore. All they have now are jeans that look like they've been salvaged from a trash heap.

I had to search a while before turning up a pretty pumpkin colored sweater, marked down so that when I applied my $10 coupon, the price was very reasonable. The sweater will work nicely with my khaki, brown, or black slacks this fall. But I really could have used a new pair of jeans, drat it.

From that store, we went to the WDCS for a few grocery items. I decided to pick up a couple of pumpkins, too, to use in a fall arrangement outdoors. Now I need to get a bale of straw and some pots of mums. Hubbie groans about this arrangement every year, seeing it as a waste of money. But actually, we cook and freeze the pumpkins at the end of the season, we use the straw as mulch on the gardens, and we plant the mums, so I don't see it as a real waste of money.