Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Unusual Happening

Pretty Mexican petunias are blooming in one of the flowerbeds right now, adding a touch of spring color to an oncoming autumn pallet.

Started today with water aerobics. The pool is still warm...probably about 85 degrees, but I could feel cooler water coming from the jets, so by Friday, it could be down to 83 or 84 degrees, which feels quite a bit chillier to us older ladies. The lap swimmers have a problem tolerating the water when it's above 84 degrees, though. So I guess each group has to compromise.

The story from the pool today: one of the ladies has a grandson who is a paramedic. Last evening, his crew was called to an emergency on the parking lot of a local pizza store. Seems a car had exploded. The driver apparently had stored a can of gasoline in the car for several days, and when he started the car, the fumes ignited, causing the explosion. The ensuing fire burned the inside of the vehicle down to the metal, even melting the windshield. The driver was not killed, but he suffered various degrees of burns over his body, according to an article (with accompanying photos of the car in flames) in this evening's local newspaper. As the newspaper article pointed out, the incident should remind us all not to hoard fuel, and especially not to keep a can of gasoline in a vehicle for any length of time.

Hubbie was gone when I returned from the pool, attending an Extension Homemakers advisory board meeting (as their token male). Lunch was catered to the group, with a choice of chicken or fish, and Hubbie opted for fish. The most interesting tidbit of information he brought back is that the current agent for EH is thinking of retiring at the end of this year, in order to care for her aging and ailing mother. We admire her for this, but we will surely miss her dedication to EH programs.

While Hubbie was at his meeting, Mother and I met our 11:30 a.m. appointments at the beauty shop. When we got back home, we settled for deli turkey and Swiss cheese sandwiches and cottage cheese for lunch.

Nothing much happened during the afternoon. Hubbie moved the straw bale to where I wanted it, and I arranged the display on it. It's pretty much the same display I do every year. The pots of mums are still in bud, but when they fully bloom, I'll snap a picture for my blog.