Friday, September 26, 2008

Water Aerobics, Catfish Lunch, and Scrapbooking

The water at the pool was cooler today than Wednesday, but still fairly warm. Not as many showed up for aerobics this morning, which is typical for a Friday. By the end of the session, only about five ladies remained in the pool for cool-down exercises, and I wasn't one of them. A few of us like to leave right after the resistance workout, so we can make a beeline to the only two potties, and then get our clothes on before the rest of the group crowd into the dressing room.

I'm usually home by 9:30 a.m. and ready for the rest of the day by 10:30. Today, we decided to go to a local bank's customer appreciation event that included a catfish lunch. Mother and Hubbie chowed down on the deep fried fish, French fries, hush puppies, and cole slaw, while I struggled to get the greasy, salty coating off my fish before I ate it. I didn't eat the French fries at all, but I did eat the slaw, and a couple of no-bake cookies made from peanut butter, oatmeal, and chocolate, and a small slice of white cake (skipping the icing). By the time I finished eating, my plate looked as full as when I sat down.

A Catfish meal, prepared the southern way, is one of Mother's favorites, so she was quite content after lunch. Even by being careful, I still got more fat and salt than I needed, and certainly too much sugar. Our supper of salmon loaf, spinach, pinto beans, and turnips was much more heart-healthy.

After we got back home from the bank, Mother and I divided up the give-away goodies from the bank...notepads, pencils, pens, ice scrapers, pizza cutters, gadgets for hanging glasses on car sun visors, hacky sack balls (for the kids), and emery boards.

Then Hubbie and I went to one of the stores that has a sale every weekend, where I found a brand of jeans that I like...plain blue, straight legs, with no holes, and no distressing. They're exactly the kind this great-grandma prefers.

Back home, Mother and I worked on scrapbook pages for the rest of the afternoon, while Hubbie continued re-potting plants for the sun room.

The presidential debate between senators John McCain and Barack Obama was our "entertainment" for the evening. This has been one of the most interesting and historic, but seemingly endless, campaigns ever. Whoever comes out on top, I think we'll all be thankful when it's over.