Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Highlight of the Day

My day began with Cardiac Rehab, of course. The story from there this morning is that the daughter of one of the nurses, along with other members of her high school track team, is ill...mononucleosis is suspected. Each year, it seems, there is an outbreak of this disease among young people. Last year, a few cases turned up at one of the colleges.

As soon as I got back home, Hubbie and I went grocery shopping at the WDCS, where I picked up items we'll need to prepare assorted salads to take when we go visit family Sunday. We'll make carrot salad, kidney bean and cucumber salad, and couscous salad, plus a peach/pear crisp for dessert. Daughter-in-Law plans to fix chicken and other heart-healthy things for the lunch.

Once we'd put away the groceries, we set to work inventorying food to put back into the freezer. That done, we decided to also inventory the freezer in the side-by-side refrigerator in the kitchen, and the small freezer compartment in the refrigerator in the storeroom. I now have a notebook listing every item in each of the freezers. If we're smart, we'll use this list to plan menus and keep track of what items need replacing.

I dreaded that we'd find lots of stuff that needed to be disposed of in the freezers, but there were only a couple of containers of leftovers with freezer burn, and a couple of packages of yeast rolls that were out of date. We decided to bake the rolls to see if they are still edible. They are. But a package of biscuits that we'd baked months and months ago were crumbled for bird food. We thawed four quarts of milk that had been in the outdoor freezer too long, and we are feeding that to the six kittens.

A highlight of my day was receiving a letter from Granddaughter, who is in Army basic training. She seems very enthusiastic about being in the service, stating several times that she's having fun. I'm glad for her, because I dreaded that she had stepped into something she would hate but couldn't get out of. She has always been a shy, introverted girl, with various physical complaints, and no real sense of direction.

But she seems to be blossoming in the service in a way that none in the family would have guessed. She tells of how she enjoys M16 rifle training, though having to learn to put an IV in a person was nerve-racking. She emphasized that she has to run a lot. Her one complaint is that she has torn a ligament in a knee, which will require surgery as soon as she completes basic training, but otherwise she looks forward to graduating from basic training and moving on to the next phase, which she calls AIT. I assume that means Advanced Individual Training.

This afternoon was quiet, with each of us engaging in our own activities until 5 p.m., when Mother and I went to Weight Watchers for our monthly weigh-in. I stayed the same weight as last month, and Mother gained a pound. We didn't stay for the meeting, so we were back home before 5:30.

Mother went home for supper, and Hubbie fixed steaks on the grill for us, along with baked potatoes, black eyed peas, and salad. It was very good. Afterwards, we watched a couple of forgettable movies that I'd recorded on DVR, and then headed to bed.