Monday, September 22, 2008

Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly

I captured this delicate Cloudless Sulphur butterfly as it briefly alighted on a zinnia flower. These pretty yellow butterflies are often the first to be seen in the spring and the last to be seen in the fall. Because they are very busy flitting from flower to flower, landing only for a second or two, it's difficult to focus a camera on them before they fly away.

Today was fairly busy, starting with water aerobics in a nice warm pool this morning. When the pool is comfortable to those of us in the aerobics class, we know that the lap swimmers will complain it is too warm, and that's exactly what happened today. So we can probably expect chilly water on Wednesday.

I hurried home from the pool, so I could get ready for an 11:15 a.m. follow-up appointment with my doctor. Since it was nearly noon when I got back, I fixed salads and deli turkey sandwiches for Hubbie and me, followed by mixed fruit with fat-free whipped topping.

While I was at the pool, the appliance repairman came and checked the freezer. Fortunately, he was able to repair it at a cost much below the price of a new freezer. The repairman said the part he replaced was probably fried in a power surge. So Hubbie will now be looking for a surge protector for the freezer.

Once the freezer cools down again, we'll put the food back in, this time with better organization, and with a list of what's in there, so we can incorporate items in meals and rotate them out faster. All summer, I've had in mind to inventory that jumbled and chaotic freezer, but I didn't expect to have do it this way.

Later, the power company guy came by and put a new night light up on the pole in the yard. Mother has missed this light, which shines into her house so brightly that she can see to navigate through her living room and kitchen without turning on lamps in the mornings when she (frequently) gets up before the crack of dawn.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet. For supper, we had sandwiches made from cold leftover meatloaf, coleslaw, and bowls of navy bean soup. The soup was made from canned navy beans, rinsed to eliminate some of the salt, and seasoned with turkey bacon, onions, and banana peppers. It was very good.

After that, Mother was ready to go home, and I watched while she made her way across the yard. I do this each evening, to make sure the juvenile Lab pups that live behind us have not found their way to our yard to romp around Mother and threaten to knock her over.

As if the pups are not enough of a nuisance, our neighbors across the highway allow their pre-teen or young teen boys to shoot rifles around their house. Saturday, they were shooting as Mother crossed the yard to our house, when she heard a bullet whiz past her head. Hubbie went over to talk to the boys' dad, but he declared he was watching them, and they only shot upward, aiming at pine cones in a tree. We know this is not true, but since we live outside the city limits, there are no laws as far as we know against folks target shooting in this area. However, we plan to check into this further...there are several houses around here, as well as cattle and other animals within range of the boys' rifles, so we really want these kids to find another - safe -target range.