Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, Dec. 12

I started the day with water aerobics this morning. Only fourteen of us showed up for this last day at the pool until January 12. There was a printed invitation from one of the members, who was absent today, inviting everyone to her house on Dec. 18 for her third annual "Cup of Cheer" drop-in party. Mother and I went last year and enjoyed it very much.

After water aerobics, I dressed in a new jewel green sweater and black slacks to go to the group's "Water Babe's" Christmas party at a popular Italian restaurant. This was a Dutch Treat lunch and Dirty Santa gift exchange. Mother went, too. The water aerobics ladies always enjoy visiting with Mother.

I chose a grilled chicken sandwich for my lunch. I didn't want to overeat, since Hubbie and I were scheduled to attend a Christmas dinner during the evening. Mother opted for a plate of spaghetti, so she could eat half at lunch and take half home for dinner.

During the Dirty Santa gift exchange, I first chose a swim tote that held a container of half-caffeine coffee. That gift was immediately stolen. The second gift I chose was a bag containing bottles and tubes of lotions, bath oils, etc., with a card thanking the recipient for all she did at water aerobics. I realized that this gift had been mistakenly placed on the Dirty Santa table, when it really belonged on the table of gifts for the regular aerobics leader.

So I chose a third gift. This one was a pair of crystal-like angels, holding a votive candle. The ladies were kind this time and didn't steal it, so it's very pretty sitting in my China cabinet.

During the lunch, the lady who is hosting the "Cup of Cheer" event, announced again that everyone is invited. When I got home, Hubbie handed me a postcard invitation to the event. So there's no excuse for me to forget it. To be sure, though, I wrote the date on my calendar.

As we left the Christmas party, the regular leader asked us to choose an ornament from a box she had brought. They are very pretty gold balls banded with white glitter stars. Mother and I each got one, which we hung on the white Christmas tree in the living room.

After we got home, Hubbie and I went shopping at the WDCS for several grocery items needed over the weekend, especially deli turkey and cheeses for Saturday's lunch.

Later, I changed into a dressy holiday jacket, and at 4 p.m., we attended an open house event sponsored by an investment group. Two tables were laden with goodies, including the makings for small rye bread sandwiches, plus fresh fruits, like pineapple and blackberries, and homemade treats like pumpkin roll, fudge, and peanut clusters.

I didn't eat anything at the event, but I filled a plate with fruits, pumpkin roll and a couple of pieces of the candies to bring home for later. Mother ate a sandwich and other goodies, as did Hubbie.

We stayed about an hour, long enough for me to learn that a member of the visual arts committee that I serve on is in the hospital, with, of all things, a ruptured vocal cord. I wonder how she fell victim to such a strange malady. She's not a singer, as far as I know.

From this open house, we went to an open house at the art gallery, where I delivered a big bowl of baked fruited popcorn for the goodie table to add to the cookies and brownies, etc., already there. I didn't eat anything here, either.

We spent about an hour at the art gallery, visiting and looking at a series of boxes decorated by local dignitaries and donated to the gallery as part of a silent auction. The arts council is celebrating its 20th anniversary, so tonight's event was a part of the celebration. The council decided to have the reception and silent auction tonight because it was "Second Friday" downtown, and lots of people would be milling around.

We couldn't attend "Second Friday" events, however, because we were due at a Christmas dinner party at a hunting lodge outside of town. As a member of the advisory committee for the home medical business that sponsors this dinner, Hubbie and I are invited.

This is always a very nice event. The lodge is uniquely decorated all times of the year with a great variety of hunting and fishing stuff, but at Christmas, it is especially festive, with beautifully decorated tables. No two tables are decorated alike, because the lady who owns the lodge is on a constant search for unusual linens, dinnerware, and goblets.

The meal at the lodge is served buffet style, with choices tonight of thinly sliced beef, chicken breasts baked with cheese (which I couldn't have), garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, a creamy corn dish, homemade rolls, and a tasty salad using a special sweet house dressing over lettuce, Roma tomatoes, walnuts and Craisins.

Dessert was a choice of apple cobbler with ice cream, or chocolate brownie with ice cream. Hubbie chose the apple cobbler and I chose the chocolate brownie.

The lady who works as the business's public relations representative, was late getting to the event, because she was at the "Second Friday" event, where her daughter was performing in the pocket park. She said it was freezing downtown, but it didn't seem to keep people from attending.

This lady asked if I'd be willing to work as a volunteer with the hospice group, taking pictures of family in ordinary situations with the ill loved one to be included in a scrapbook for the family. I wouldn't mind doing this, if my camera wasn't acting up right now. I'm having trouble with focusing and lighting on it, which probably means I'll need to start thinking about getting a new camera. I've taken thousands of pictures over the many years that I've used my current camera. But I gag at the thought of how expensive it will be to replace it.

Each year, the advisory committee members are presented with a gift. This year, they were baskets containing two jars of and well as a package of white chocolate covered pretzles, and a package of peanut clusters.

The staff of the business played a Jeopary game, answering questions for money prizes. One of the questions asked was the name of the ship the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock in. I misunderstood the question, and leaned over to Hubbie, saying "The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Marie."

"No," he said, "that was Christopher Columbus. I can't think of the name of the pilgrim's ship."

"The Good Ship Lollypop?" I grinned, because the name escaped me, too. Apparently, it escaped the contestants, as well, because the moderator had to remind us all that it was the Mayflower. Wow, did we all feel dumb. Obviously, we aren't as smart as a fifth grader.

We left the party around 8:30 p.m., ready to relax at home.