Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mr. Christmas

Early this month, Daughter-in-Law e-mailed to let me know that Grandson had been voted most popular boy in all the sixth grade classes at his school. He was to escort the most popular girl at an event at the school last Friday.

Grandson, dubbed "Mr. Christmas," was told that for the event, he needed to wear dress pants, shirt, and tie. So his mom scrambled to find an appropriate outfit for this boy who lives only in jeans, t-shirts and the like. Grandson is husky, so it was no small order to find suitable clothing on such short notice.

The event occurred last Friday, at a time I was unable to attend, but a professional photographer was on board, and yesterday I visited her website to see several snapshots of him and "Miss Christmas."

I wanted him to know I'm proud of him, so I sent a card and a little cash, and I'll be looking forward to getting photos of him to work into a special scrapbook page.