Monday, December 15, 2008

Gingerbread House Workshop

We got up early Saturday morning, so we could be ready to go downtown to the art gallery to do a graham cracker cookie mini Christmas house workshop. Daughter, Granddaughter, and five great-grandchildren were expected to arrive before 9 a.m., for the 9:30 workshop. Hubbie went downtown ahead of us to open the gallery.

When Daughter and Granddaughter hadn't arrived by 8:45, I called Daughter on her cell phone, and learned that they had gotten into town safely after a two-hour trip, and were on there way to the art gallery. So Mother and I hopped in the van and went downtown.

The great-grandkids helped set up places for the workshop participants, who began arriving just before 9:30. Nine children, including four of mine, had a great time making very creative houses (the example above was done by my two and a half year old great-grandson). The workshop lasted until 11 a.m.

By the time we cleaned up the gallery and came back home, it was getting close to lunch time, and we were all ready for chicken noodle soup, with deli turkey and cheese sandwiches. Dessert was individual cups of chocolate pudding with whipped topping, and sugar cookies.

For the rest of the afternoon until family had to leave around 4 p.m., we visited, opened gifts, and had a photo session. It was a delight to see five-month-old great-grandson rocking back and forth on his knees, getting ready to crawl, and hear the older grandchildren giggle and play on the stairs. It was a noisy and happy time, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Later, Hubbie and I continued our "children" day, when we attended a piano and voice recital at a local college. One of the children who performed is the five-year-old son of a staff member at the home medical service where I am an advisory committee member, and another child is the daughter of a woman that I serve with on the community theater board. The five year old was one of the participants at the Christmas house workshop today.

We enjoyed the recital, which was all the more enchanting because of missed and sour notes. The kids were adorable all dressed up in their Christmas finery, and even though they were visibly nervous, they were brave to perform in front of a large and appreciative audience, who enthusiastically applauded every performer.

We got back home about 8 p.m., ready to relax in front of TV for a while before calling it a day.