Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday, January 12

I was up by 6:30 a.m. this morning, bleary-eyed from lack of sleep, after laying awake last night until nearly 2 a.m.

Thank goodness, the water at the pool was warm today for our first day since December 12. It was a chilly morning, so I bundled up in coat, hat and gloves. But at least there was no uncomfortable wind blasting my face as I walked to the gym. Only 19 of us showed up for aerobics, but those of us who were there thoroughly enjoyed being back in the water again.

At home, after getting ready for the day, I spent time recording birthdays, routine monthly meetings, and upcoming event dates in a 2009 calendar. One of the things I do at the beginning of each new year is list the past year's ten or twelve most important events. I've been doing this since 1998. It's interesting to review these lists each year.

While I worked on the calendar, Hubbie stewed a couple of chicken breasts in broth, carrots, onions and celery. Later, we added the veggies from the chickens cooked in the smoker Saturday, plus noodles, and had soup for supper, with biscuits and honey.

Mother came over after lunch, but she went home before supper, because she's been feeling blah for a couple of days. She said all she wanted for supper was macaroni and cheese.

After supper, I decided to stew some oranges and prunes together, because there are a lot of oranges in the fridge that need to be used.

Tonight, we watched the second half of "Tess of the D'Urbervilles," a public television offering. Of course, this 1800s tale of romance and tragedy ended badly for the heroine, who had been abused by one man, and then deserted by another after she'd married him.