Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day


We got up later than usual this morning, and I skipped my treadmill session. Once I was ready for the day, Mother came over, and we spent the morning reading the Sunday newspaper and just generally relaxing. Mother caught up on reading e-mails from family, as well as Sis's blogs.

We did wash a few loads of clothes, stored the special dinnerware we'd used yesterday, treated the spots on the white table clothes and then put them into a soaking solution before we wash them. For lunch, we had leftovers from yesterday's feast. Mother went home right after lunch, and Hubbie and I kicked back to relax again.

Hubbie's sister brought four volumes of Stephenie Meyers' "Twilight" series with her yesterday, and Hubbie started reading the first novel of the series this afternoon. While he did that, I selected shows and movies to record on DVR for the week. Then I read and answered e-mail messages on my laptop. After that, I continued reading my novel, "Outer Banks," by Anne Rivers Siddons.

I checked the eagle nest, too. It's very windy there, today, and the mother was on duty providing a windscreen to the baby, who was huddled in the hollow of the tree against which the nest is built. Each time I checked the nest through the day and evening, the mother was there, which is unusual since she has been away from it so much lately.

Later this afternoon and evening, Hubbie and I watched a couple of Hallmark movies. It was a restful day, which we needed after all the activity of the past few weeks.