Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday, June 26

We were up by 6:30 a.m., since this was water aerobics day. Twenty-one of us were there for the session. The number of folks who attend usually drops on Fridays, when people have weekend trips and other activities planned.

It was really noisy at the pool today, and not because we ladies were chattering (except for the leader, who never quits talking). It was because of a couple of large exhaust fans that were turned on to draw the heat and humidity out of the room.

Today, we were told that the money collected this week as a memorial contribution for the husband of one of the members who died last week was matched by one of the businesses in town, and the total amount was given to Heifer International to buy a goat for someone in another country. We were all very pleased by this.

Also, one of the members mentioned today that she has been gathering plums from the tree in her yard to give to anyone who wanted them, since no one in her family likes them. I jumped at the offer, of course. We love plums, and what we can't eat, we make juice from for jelly-making later.

The lady said she'd call me when she had enough gathered. She called this afternoon, saying she had at least a gallon of them. So we went right over to her house and got them. She had at least two gallons of them for me....Hubbie estimated there were about 20 lbs.

She said she gathers them several times a day to keep the birds and squirrels from getting them, and when she gets enough, she gives them away. The tree is about ready to quit bearing now, though, she said.

We sorted through the fruit, taking the ripest ones out to eat right away, and putting others in a bucket to make juice from as soon as possible, and then laying the not-quite-ripe ones on a cookie sheet...they'll probably be ready to juice by tomorrow.

After we got back from getting the plums, I continued working on a form, a narrative, and a resume', that I started this morning, to be sent to the state arts council, so I can be placed on the 2009-2010 artist's roster. It's due by July 10. I finished the materials around 3 p.m., and now all I need to do is let it rest overnight, and then re-read it tomorrow to make sure I've crossed all my "t's" and dotted all my "i's" before I mail it.

Family news: got a call from Daughter last night, just to chat. She said Great-Granddaughter, the one who is in school, has gone to Florida with her aunt, and Great-Grandson is at church camp. The camp leader told Daughter that Great-Grandson is just such a sweet boy, who is very helpful and accommodating. Of course, I could have told him that. This boy has always been a sweetheart.

He reported to his Grandmother, though, that one night in the cabin, some boys (he wasn't one of them, he assured her) wound tape around another boy while he was asleep in his bunk so that he couldn't get up the next morning. Just shows how deeply and soundly children can sleep!
And it shows what pranksters little boys can be.

From Granddaughter: year-old Great-Grandson's 12-month checkup revealed that he has grown an inch, now weighs a little over 21 lbs., and is 30 inches long. The doctor says he's going to be long and lean like his sister.

Supper tonight was salmon loaf, with sauteed new potatoes, and leftover veggies. Later, Hubbie and I watched the movie, "Unbreakable," rated PG-13 and starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson. In this film, a security guard (Willis) is in a train wreck, where he is the only survivor..and he comes out of the accident unscathed.

Conversely, Jackson plays a man whose bones break easily. Jackson's character is a comic book collector who believes that his breakable self has an exact opposite in Willis' character, who has never been ill or injured in his life and is super a comic book hero.