Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 16

Br-r-r, the pool was chilly this morning, thanks to the maintenance guy adding water to it over the weekend. But even though I was expecting the weather to be cool, it was mild and comfortable, if drizzly, for walking from the car to the gym. Predictions are that it'll get cooler as the week progresses, though.

Back home, after I was ready for the day, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS for several grocery items. We'll no doubt be doing this every day until Thanksgiving.

This afternoon, after a PB&J sandwich lunch, Mother and I bagged and wrapped birthday gifts for several family members who will be coming for Thanksgiving. Then we did other stuff related to Thanksgiving, before sitting down to watch a few one-hour shows that I'd recorded on DVR.

Supper tonight was whole wheat pancakes (cooked a few weeks ago and then frozen), along with over-easy eggs. Afterward, I went through a stack of magazines, clipping puzzles, recipes, and craft ideas, and reading articles I was interested in, before discarding them. I did the same thing last night. This is part of my resolve to "every day, throw something away," in an effort to decrease clutter.

While I was doing this, we watched tonight's episode of "Dancing with the Stars."