Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, November 15

Since I missed a day or two of exercises last week, I made up for it with a treadmill session and resistance exercises this morning. After that, it was the usual Sunday routine...programming the DVR, reading the Sunday newspaper, washing clothes.

Lunch today was beef strips with bell peppers and onions, with baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli and cauliflower. Afterward, Mother and I made a couple of screen door birthday cards, while Hubbie worked in the yard. He felt he needed to get the leaves cleared away today, while it was warm, because rain and much cooler weather is predicted for the upcoming week.

Mother went home after we finished the cards, and when Hubbie came back in, we settled in to watch a couple of movies on TV. One was called "Prey," rated for mature audiences, because of violence. A family of a stepmother, a teen girl, and a young boy get stranded in a game reserve after their guide is killed by lions. The lions then plague the family, terrifying them as they hole up in the tour vehicle. No one knows where they are, so they go though all sorts of scary, bloody stuff before they are found. Along the way, the teen girl, angry that her father has recently remarried, learns to appreciate her new stepmother.