Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday, November 19

Again, I had trouble falling asleep last night, but we were up by 7:30 a.m. just the same (Hubbie has no problem falling asleep, so he pops up before 8 a.m. every day; and when he gets up, I feel I should, too, so we can have breakfast at the same time).

I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises this morning, and then after getting ready for the day, I called a scrapbook club member, to make sure we are still on for going to a craft extravaganza event in another town tomorrow. She said, yes, she still wants to go. Our other steady club member, though, will be out of town for the next few days, so unless our member who comes to meetings only once in a while goes, it will be only the three of us for the outing.

The lady who will definitely go will meet Mother and me at my house at 7:30 in the morning, so we can get to the other town by around 9 a.m. So since I need to be ready by 7:30, I fervently hope I sleep well tonight, because I need to be alert as the driver.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran the grocery store pharmacy to pick up prescriptions, and get a ham for Thanksgiving; to a dollar store to get grab bag items for young children; and to the WDCS for a few items, including a low-sodium Thanksgiving ham for me.

We no sooner got back home than I discovered I didn't have tortillas to make fajitas for supper, so off we went to the grocery store again. I searched all their packages of tortillas, without finding a whole wheat, low-sodium variety. So we went back to the WDCS. I still didn't find whole wheat tortillas, but I did find whole wheat (9 grams of fiber) flat bread.

Flat bread is really intended for sandwich wraps, so the filling sort of soaked into the bread. But the fajitas were still very tasty. Still, I'll continue looking for whole wheat tortillas, and use the rest of the flat bread for sandwiches.

After supper, we did the usual...watched TV. For the last few evenings, instead of mindlessly vegging in front of the TV, though, I've been going through stacks of accumulated magazines, reading what interests me, and clipping puzzles for future use.

Tonight's movie, recorded on DVR, was "Lions for Lambs," starring Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, and Robert Redford. This is a movie of three stories told during the same hour: a professor (Redford) trying to re-engage a disenchanted student, a journalist (Streep) interviewing a senator who hopes to be president (Cruise); and two soldiers who bailed out of a burning helicopter into Afghan territory and await rescue. The three scenarios are connected by academic theory, political ambition, and war's reality, in each of which, crucial decisions must be made.The movie is rated "R" for violence and language.