Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5

Today is Daughter-in-Law's birthday. Happy Birthday!

We were up at 6:30 this morning, so I could go to water aerobics. I sure hated to get out in the cold rain, but I really wanted to swim. Swimming for exercise is a lot more fun than walking on the treadmill.

Seven of us showed up for aerobics this morning, minus our esteemed leader. She's been battling a bout of bronchitis, and today she has laryngitis. We thought it was inadvisable for her to come Wednesday, but she was anxious to be back.

Since she was absent, and none of the other alternates showed up, the duty for leading aerobics today fell to me. If they attend, the other alternates vie for the position. I'm the alternate fourth removed, who only does it when no one else is available.

We did routine didn't exactly adhere to the standard, but we got a good workout just the same. Everyone seemed pleased.

Back home, Hubbie told me that my cardiologist's office called to report that my treadmill stress test came out blockages, and my heart is strong.

Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day to do some crafting. I helped her by doing what she needed on the computer.

The vision center at the WDCS called to tell us that Mother's eyeglasses were ready to be picked up. Mother was jubilant, and after lunch we promptly went to get them. She took a plastic bag of eyeglasses with her to donate to the Lion's Club, which has a deposit box at the vision center.

However, the vision center's optician set the bag of eyeglasses aside, so he could go through them to extract any antique ones to add to his personal collection. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Mother had the eyeglasses for several years...they were some given to her when she was vice-president of Extension Homemakers, at a time when the organization was collecting them as a community project, but the project ended before the glasses could be donated. So Mother stuck them away until she could figure out what to do with them. She was glad to be able to pass them along today.

While we were at the store, Mother shopped for personal products before we returned home. We were only home a few minutes, when Hubbie and I headed out to run a local church to deliver our 11-bean soup donation for the "Souper Saturday" fundraiser event tomorrow, to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for Mother, back to the WDCS for grocery items, and to a vet's clinic to pick up a case of dog food.

When we got back, Mother was fixing a supper of baked salmon loaf, brown rice (that we'd cooked earlier in the week), and cole slaw. She went home after supper, and Hubbie and I settled in to watch a few one-hour shows on TV.