Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday, Feb. 6

Got up around 8 a.m. and did a treadmill session after breakfast. Once I was ready for the day, I did this and that for the rest of the morning, including planning the menu for next week. Mother came over mid-morning and continued with her crafting project for a while, and then made a batch of chicken salad for our lunch. She loaded it with celery, onion, apple, hard boiled egg, Craisins, and a variety of spices, plus salad dressing, and it was really good.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran a grocery store to get shredded Monterey Jack cheese (which the WDCS does not carry), to a pharmacy to get on-sale popcorn (we eat a ton of it), to the WDCS for more groceries, and to the everything's a dollar store for some crafting items.

There is still snow in some places around town...speckled under the trees on the hill going up to the college, clinging along sidewalks, and piled into dirty mounds on parking lots. There was no rain today, but it was cold. I wonder if all the snow from last week will have completely melted before a predicted new round of snow comes in next week? I guess I shouldn't worry about the two to four inches predicted for our part of the state, though, when I consider the nearly 30 inches that Washington, D.C., and surrounding states have gotten.

Back home, Hubbie and I watched our favorite college football team play to a heart-stopping win in overtime. I'd recorded the game on DVR.

Later, Mother and I put together a supper of whole wheat bagel pizzas, a favorite potato dish baked in the oven, and salad. Mother also made rice pudding this morning from this week's leftover brown rice. It'll be good for a snack later this evening.

Mother went home after supper, as usual, (taking a serving of rice pudding, a half-bagel pizza, and some potatoes with her) and Hubbie and I watched TV, as usual...a movie, followed by one-hour shows.