Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday, Feb. 3

We were up early this I could get ready to go to water aerobics. It was a cold, windless morning. The remaining snow, which lay like white cake icing on fields, roof tops, and bushes, along with the frost-covered trees, made for a very scenic drive to the college pool.

The main streets and highways are clear of ice and snow, but this morning the road and parking lot near the gym on the college campus still had slick patches.

When I went from the dressing room up to the pool area, only one lady was swimming...our oldest member, who is 89 years old. Soon, others straggled in, but only nine of us altogether showed up. I guess the others were still afraid the roads might not be passable, or that the sidewalks would be icy and treacherous. Maybe by Friday, most of them will be ready to venture forth.

The water was pleasant today, once I was in it a few minutes. And I enjoyed having the deep end of the pool all to myself for thirty minutes of swimming.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, Hubbie took the Christmas/winter village pieces off the mantel, and I put up our usual display of wood and ceramic birdhouses, decorative plates, and plants. Everything is now back to normal after the holidays.

After that, Mother put noodles in chicken broth to cook for our lunch, and I put together a pot of chili to simmer for supper.

This afternoon, after lunch, Mother and I spent time crafting. We finished around 3 p.m., and then just relaxed until suppertime.

Mother went home after supper, and Hubbie and I listened to the radio as our favorite college basketball team played to a come-from-behind win. Yay!

We ended the evening watching the first two episodes of the final season of "Lost." We like the show, though it has certainly jumped on it's horse and ridden off in all directions. It'll be interesting to see how the writers tie it all together and bring it to a reasonable, or at least halfway believable, conclusion.