Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, February 2

Happy Groundhog Day! If Punxsutawney Phil is correct in his predictions, we'll have six more weeks of winter. Not a big surprise.

Slept late this morning, until around 8:30. I guess the stresses of last week finally caught up with me. After breakfast, I did a treadmill session and weights exercises. I spent most of the rest of the morning on the computer. While I was doing this, Hubbie gave Shih Tzu a bath.

Mother came over around 11 a.m. and joined us for lunch. After lunch, Hubbie and I ran a few errands...to the newspaper office to pick up last Friday's edition, to the bank, to the pharmacy, and to the WDCS.

The snow around town is melting nicely, though snowmen, and snow scraped into mounds on parking lots still persist. Dirty snow lays along the sides of roads and sidewalks. There is still snow on the ground, too, but it's patchy now, and the ground is a soggy mess. We'll need lots more sun to dry things up.

One family in our town got really clever with the snow, sculpting a tall penguin, and building an igloo big enough to hold several people. Photos of these were on the front page of our local newspaper.

I didn't accomplish much this afternoon beyond cutting up fresh fruits for a snack tonight, and spending more time on the computer.

Supper tonight was boiled chicken, with brown rice and gravy, and English peas. After supper, Mother went home, and we did the usual...watch TV.

We started with a 1999 film called, "Sea People," starring Hume Cronyn. This is a fantasy about a young teenager living in a New England fishing town, who skips school one day and ends up trying to save an old man who has jumped into the river. Turns out the old man is just out swimming, because he (and his wife) are sea people (mermaids). Though the water is freezing, it is too warm for the couple, so the teenager helps them search for colder water.

The second movie we watched was, "The Incredible Mrs. Ritchie," starring Gena Rowlands, James Caan, Justin Chatwit, and others. This is a 2003 PG-13 film about a troubled teen who is given a choice of being suspended from school or going to work for a "crazy lady" as her handyman. Lessons are learned.