Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, March 12

Up at the usual 7:30 hour, and did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast (for those of you who are tired of reading this repetitive sentence every day, I should explain that I write it as a means of keeping myself accountable. I'm more apt to exercise every morning, if I know I have to report it in my blog every evening).

While I was doing that, Hubbie took the van to the shop for an oil change. He got back home around the time I finished getting ready for the day. Mother came over mid-morning, and we planned upcoming camping in May, and one in July. We wanted to get the dates nailed down so that Hubbie could make campground reservations.

This afternoon, Mother and I went to a Caring Hands Hospice card making session. Five of us spent three hours making a stack of sympathy, "thinking-of-you," birthday, and Easter cards.

Supper tonight was Ziplock bag omelets, oven fried potatoes, and toast. Mother went home afterwards, and Hubbie and I settled in for the evening. Hubbie watched a basketball game on TV, while I read magazines. And then we both watched one-hour shows.