Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, March 8

We were up fairly this morning, though I don't know why, since we didn't have anything important going on. I woke up because Hubbie got up just before 7 a.m. He frequently naps in the afternoon, and sometimes during the evening in front of TV, and still he's able to roll over and go to sleep as soon as we go to bed, so he's plenty rested in the morning. I, on the other hand, don't sleep during the day. I sometimes doze in the evenings, but I don't fall immediately asleep upon retiring. So I'm not always ready to hop right up at 6:30 or 7 a.m.

At any rate, I got on the treadmill right after breakfast. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day, and later we worked on greeting cards. I began by making a birthday card for my great-granddaughter, whose birthday is Saturday.

Then Mother and I put the finishing touches on some sympathy and "just a note" cards we'd made a few days ago. While we did this, Hubbie showed a plumber where a leak was occurring under Mother's house. The leak was discovered last Friday while Son and Daughter-in-Law were here. Hubbie called the plumber right away, but he was unable to come until this morning.

Later, after lunch, Hubbie and I ran a grocery store for (you guessed it) cottage cheese, to the bank, and to the WDCS for groceries for this week's menu.

Back home, Mother and I gathered paper and other stuff for making cards at a Caring Hands gathering Friday afternoon.

For supper, we had leftover pizza and Parmesan potatoes, with salad and cottage cheese. After supper, Mother and I worked on her jigsaw puzzle. This is a pretty difficult 750 piece puzzle..a painting of quilts and fabrics in a sewing room. Mother has been working on it since last Thursday, but we made a lot of progress on it tonight.

Mother went home around 7 p.m., and Hubbie and I watched a movie..."The Reader," a 2008 R-rated film starring Kate Winslet and Ralph Finnes. In postwar Germany, a schoolboy falls in love with an older woman, who, years later, goes on trial for her involvement in horrific war crimes. The movie title derives from the fact that the young man reads to the woman during their romance, later realizing she is illiterate.