Sunday, September 26, 2010

Camping Trip, Day One

Monday, Sept. 20: woke up this morning with an itchy spot on my back. Checked in the mirror and found a little round sticker adhered between my shoulder blades. The sticker said "Inspected by #12." Guess it came off a blouse I wore the day before.

Left home around 10 a.m. for a camping trip. On this trip, we took along our dog, Mother's cat, and two kittens.

Arrived at the campground around 12:30. We haven't been to this campground in several years, and we were pleased that two new, drive-through, full-service, sites have been installed, and we were fortunate enough to get one, since we called for reservations several weeks ago. It was a lovely campsite, with a wide expanse of lawn.

After lunch, Hubbie and I drove around the campground to see what else was new. We found that it is basically the same. On our return to the campsite, we noticed a herd of deer were grazing on the lawn near our camper. Mother was sitting outside and saw the herd. She said one of them approached very near her.

Over the course of the days we were at the campground, the herd visited frequently to graze on the persimmons that dropped from several trees on the lawn. A park interpreter commented that there are three herds roaming the campground. Naturally, I grabbed my camera whenever a herd showed up.

Later in the evening, after a supper of leftover pork roast and vegetables, we sat in lawn chairs and enjoyed the fresh air, while identifying the trees that shaded us. Besides several persimmon trees, red oak and chinquipin oak dominated.

At dusk, we toured the park again, stopping to enjoy the river. In the evenings, an eerie but beautiful mist forms over the cold water, rolling and undulating like ocean waves. Great blue heron honk and wing along the opposite bank in search of trout. Shrouded in the mist, fishermen in boats silently glide on rushing water.

Back at camp, we played Skipbo, with Lyle winning two games, and Mother winning one.