Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, Oct.1

September gone already. Where did it go? It was a hot month, though, so we aren't sorry to see it go. Predictions are for some cooler weather to roll in over the next few days, which will be a welcome relief. I'll soon need to drag out my sweaters.

I was up around 7:30 this morning, to get ready to go with Hubbie to deliver our camper to the repair shop about two hours east of us. Mother and Shih Tzu went, too.

I wish I'd taken my camera along, because the flatland fields in that part of the state were white with cotton. Cotton picking machines had already harvested some of the crops, and large compressed bales...half the size of a semi trailer....lay around the field borders, ready to be loaded into trucks. Clear pods of loose cotton lined the fields, too, awaiting compression.

As we drove into the small community, we saw the ruined remains of a rent house owned by one of Hubbie's sisters. The interior burned a few weeks ago, totaling the structure. Hubbie's son, who lives in the community just happened to drive by on the day the house was engulfed in flames and called Hubbie. By the time the fire department arrived, it was too late to save the building. A family was living in the house, but fortunately were not at home when the fire started.

We arrived at the camper repair shop around 11 a.m., and after unhooking the unit from the truck, we went to Hubbie's sister's house (she lives just blocks away from the repair shop). We stayed only long enough to arrange to meet Sister for lunch at a favorite restaurant in a larger town about 30 miles away.

When we got to Larger Town, we stopped by the mall so I could use a coupon to pick up a free item of intimate apparel. From there, we went to a hobby store, where Mother and I bought rubber stamps from the clearance bin, on-sale glue, and several sheets of colored card stock.

Then we went to the buffet restaurant. Hubbie's two sisters were there and had already begun their meals. We visited for about an hour, and then went on to the discount club store to pick up several bulk grocery items, including fresh fruits.

After that, we headed home, and arrived around 4 p.m. We relaxed for a while, and then changed clothes to go to a concert at the college near our home.

The group who performed..."The Hunt Family" comprised of seven children and their parents. There are 21-year-old twin girls, and five boys, aged 19, 17, 15, 14, and 12. All play a variety of instruments, and all do Celtic step dancing.

The music they played included a Celtic reel, bluegrass fiddling, and inspirational songs, besides original pieces written by the youngsters. They are immensely talented, and we enjoyed them a lot. To hear a sample of their music, visit

We were back home around 9 p.m., when we had cups of hot chocolate, with bananas and slices of bread with peanut butter. After our big lunch, this was all we wanted to snack on.

Got a call this evening from Daughter, who said she, Granddaughter, and Great-Grandkids are coming for a visit tomorrow. We'll be very glad to see them.