Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saturday, Sept. 25

Slept late this morning, and skipped my exercises so that we could go to the WDCS, where I thought there was to be a re-grand opening event. Turned out, the event was on Friday. Oh well, Mother was interested in seeing the store since it's been remodeled, and she needed to shop for a few things. We commandeered a store wheelchair for her, and then went on a hunt for the things she wanted. Everything has been rearranged, so that customers have to search endlessly for stuff. Frustrating.

After lunch, we went to the art gallery downtown, where a couple of art teachers were leading a pumpkin painting session. There were several women working, and they had completed a bunch of pumpkins already, so I guess they'd been busy since morning. But there were still pumpkins that needed detailing, so Sis and I helped. Really, all I did was fill in a solid color stenciled pattern, but Sis, who has an artistic bent, did fine detailing on a couple of pumpkins, and then designed a wolf mascot stencil.

Some of the motifs the group painted were a raven, with the word "Nevermore," a stylized haunted house, bats, black cats, the legs of the witch from "The Wizard of Oz," and the motif for our state university's mascot. The gallery received orders for specific motifs, and the pumpkins, once painted, sold for between $12 and $30, depending on how complicated the details were.

Before we left the gallery, we toured the art exhibits that included several watercolors. Sis is expecially fond of watercolors. On the way home, we stopped at a church-sponsored pumpkin patch, where I bought a nicely shaped pumpkin for Sis to use in painting a raven motif for me.

Later, after a suppr of leftovers, we played Skipbo. Mother won a couple of games, and I won a couple, and Sis won at least one.