Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday, Oct. 30

Up at 7 a.m. to take care of Mother's needs and get her settled for breakfast. After breakfast, I put a pork roast and veggies into the slow cooker, and then did a treadmill session and weights exercises.

Once I was ready for the day, I did this and that until time to finish lunch preparations. The pork roast, with onions and carrots, and mashed potatoes and gravy, and a side of applesauce, was very good.

We usually having Sunday dinner in the dining room, but today, we opted to eat in the den and watch the 1993 movie, "Hocus Pocus," starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy. The three, who play sister witches are hanged in Salem Massachusetts 300 years ago, but are resurrected Halloween night in modern times. In order to stay alive, they must suck the life force from children before midnight. A young girl, her teen brother, and his girlfriend must stop them.

The local arts council sponsored an outdoor showing of this film tonight at a local college. Mother enjoys the outdoor movies, but of course, she couldn't attend tonight. So I was glad when I found that the ABC Family channel was showing it last night, and I could record it on DVR for today.

Following the movie, Mother was ready for her afternoon nap. After I got her settled in, Hubbie and I watched the 2001 movie, "No One Can Hear You," starring Kelly McGillis. A teen house guest is not what he seems, and soon things turn gruesome.

Last night, I made a peach cobbler, and Hubbie and I sampled it this afternoon during the movie. Mother said earlier that she wanted to have hers as her supper later.

Hubbie and I continued our movie marathon with a 2009 film called, "Law Abiding Citizen," starring Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx. A man's family is killed, and one of the killers is set free on a technicality. So the man decides to go after the killer himself, as well as the district attorney and others that cut the deal.

This evening's movie was a Hallmark Channel 2011 feature, "The Good Witch's Family," starring Catherine Bell. The good witch's (Bell) long lost cousin, Abigail arrives in town and causes big trouble.