Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, Feb. 10

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to water aerobics. It was such a miserably rainy morning that I had to really talk myself into going. But once I was there and in the pool, I was glad I went. Others obviously gave into themselves, though, because there were only fourteen of us present. Like me, the others who attended decided to brave the weather today because predictions are for probable wintry weather on Monday.

Funny: the debate in the dressing room was whether or not to don underwear after swimming. A couple of us think since we are still damp after swimming, it's too much trouble trying to wriggle into undies, since we are just going home to hop into a shower. Opponents worry about being caught underwear-less should they be an accident on the way home. I, and like-minded swimmers, say that if we should be in an accident, medical personnel would probably remove our clothing at the hospital, anyway.

Back home, I downed a couple of cups of hot coffee to warm up, and then decided to start a pot of chicken simmering for a chicken soup lunch, before showering and getting ready for the day.

By 11:30, the chicken was done, and I was able to add noodles to the broth and finish the soup. I took a bowl of it to Mother, because Hubbie said that in visiting her earlier, she'd remarked that she wasn't up to par today, and I wanted to see what the problem was. She said she had tummy troubles and diarrhea, but she was feeling better.

At home, I didn't accomplish much during the afternoon...felt kind of sleepy and lazy (a reaction to the weather?). Around 4 p.m. I started supper, which was salmon loaf, macaroni and cheese, and English peas. Hubbie took a helping of the meal to Mother, because it was just too nasty of a day for her to come to our house.

While he was there, he picked up a grocery list for Mother. Later, after supper, he returned to her house to deliver some bread, cheese, and margarine from our supplies to tide her over until we get back to the grocery store.

Back home, he commented that Mother had somehow pushed a button on her TV remote that turned on the closed caption function, and neither he or she knew how to get rid of it. So I went over there and corrected that function, as well as the format function, which she'd also managed to accidentally push, which cropped the tops of everyone's heads.

At home again, I turned off the TV for an hour, and Hubbie and I read our novels. Turned the TV back on and watched one-hour shows until bedtime.